Well the neighbors in Brooklyn consider them to be parasites. They live tax free so contribute nothing to the community. They are a drain on all the city's resources that are paid for through taxes. I would think other communities feel the same.
And then there is the local halls - little or no parking in the hall I went to - so they take up all the street parking leaving the people in the community to park elsewhere
I know when I was a JW there were many pioneers who were on assistance claiming to be unable to work but they could go peddle books all month
and then of course they go door to door selling their litterature and expecting people to contibute pay for it
And well the biggest parasite if the WTS itself who expects the R&F to pay for the litterature and then donate any contributions back to the society so the WTS collects twice.
Want to add in the hall mortgages? The DCs and CAs where the R&F have to pay for less and less and get less and less in return
Heck - even the books are recycled - make a few changes - remove a paragraph of two and presto 1 more copy of a copy of a copy to be bought
The WTS has this down to an art form