I will never find out for the following reasons:.
All of the 6 million (yes defd, you are included in the description) deluded and deceived Jehovah's Witnesses would be very disappointed if the Watchtower Lie really was a reality.
Jehovah's Witnesses should think about this.
Do you really want a world run by the Watchtower Society?
You survive Armageddon and the smelly task of burying all those dead and rotting bodies many of whom are your former JW family and friends who didn't do enough to rate a ticket on the Paradise Express.
Then 6 months and one screwup later:
The Judicial Committee handling your case decides you are unrepentant so they take you outside the city gates and stone you to death with no hope of a resurrection.
I bet my last dime that you Jehovah's Witnesses are happified that the Watchtower and its Lie is just an illusion to make you feel comfortable and secure instead of reality.