LOL @ Dora and Wombat.
Yes, it was the generation change, specifically the Sunday when the Watchtower article was studied. As I hadn't prestudied, that was the first I heard of it. Nobody else at the meeting seemed to notice this major doctrine change at all, but for me it was the proof I had been waiting for. It took another six months before I stopped attending meetings, but mentally I was free from then on.
To my mother's credit, she had pre-studied this issue, and dropped the bomb on the congregation during the answer to that WT study. We had already discussed it at home.
Amazingly I remember how proud she was of herself; seemingly, she was the only one to catch on. What stunned me was how happy she was while announcing it, LOL. Summat line, "I have been duped for 30 years and now I've been instructed to change my mind in one week, and DAMMIT, I is going to do it!"
The reaction from the congregation was nil. Jim Smith, Elder who was conducting the study, had to do a double take, and then he agreed my mother was right (this was from the platform!!!!) Everyone else looked like they were on thorazine.
This was also one of my last meetings. I had decided it was bullshit at home. My quick fade began.
Don't Piss on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining, Class