Jesus, the people of his day, and of theology

by drew sagan 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    Paul didn't write 2 Tim. Check this page :2 Timothy That site represents rather mainstream scholarship. There are much more radical scholars that rightly call into question many of the assumptions plaguing the research, but its a fine introduction to where real scholarship stands.

    But the point your making is valid. Ironically the author refers to Jannes and Jambres as a scriptural bad example yet they are not mentioned in the writings that were finally canonized as the OT all but were very well known through tradition and apocryphal writings. Clearly the WT is missing something.

  • Leolaia

    The letter of Jude quotes with approval the pseudepigraphal book of 1 Enoch as inspired prophecy, and alludes to it several times throughout the epistle. Echoes of it can be found throughout the NT, and other direct quotations occur in early Christian literature, quoting it as "Scripture". This book, btw, is an excellent exemplar of the sophisticated angelology of second-Temple Judaism and anticipates many ideas of Christianity....

  • Hellrider


    Echoes of it can be found throughout the NT, and other direct quotations occur in early Christian literature, quoting it as "Scripture".

    Interesting. Can you give some examples?

  • Leolaia

    See my lengthy thread on this (see towards the bottom for the quotes from early Christian literature):

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    For most Christians (and Witnesses) to know the existance of these books is quite rare. This website offers some of these "pseudopigraphic writings" available to read online.

    I have found the apocalyptic nature of these books quite interesting.

  • Narkissos

    Interesting site. Too bad there are only excerpts of the Dead Sea Scrolls (I'm afraid there is no full translation anywhere online for copyright reasons).

    There are a few others on

  • DavidChristopher

    Well, if someone put stuff in the bible that wasn't supposed to be there, who is going to be punished for it? Us? I don't know any better....I will leave that up to Him. Why did the writer tell Timothy about the future so much? Timothy was almost 2,000 years ago right? Could those letters been directed to us in the future?

  • peacefulpete

    David, just what insight into the future do you see the author of 1rst and 2nd Timothy as possessing?

  • myelaine

    dear peacefulpete, perhaps our tiny Tim had what's called "transferrable skills" love michelle

  • DavidChristopher

    He was given orders to relay to the rich in the "present system of things", He was told to observe the commandment until the manifestation of Jesus Christ, And what predictions or prophecies did he get his "gift" from? I also liked the order to reprove 5:20 before all onlookersthose who practice "sin"? also 2 tim chapter 3. How did Paul know, what things were going to be like in 2,000 years? And why did he tell Timothy? In fact, alot of those letters seem to be directed to the future, the last days. Or am I off course again?

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