I sincerely appreciate that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (hereinafter referred to as the WTBTS) decided to affiliate with the United Nations for almost ten years before severing the relationship for the following reasons:
1. The elapsed time of their affiliations precludes any and all explanations that the WTBTS was not fully aware of the conditions of association by a religious body as a NGO affiliated with the United Nations.
2. The elapsed time allowed the WTBTS to attend verifiable and documented meetings in which they were associated with several non-christian religious organisations that also attended. Specifically, meetings at the Australian Parliament attended by WTBTS Australian Branch representative Don MacLean and a WTBTS attorney.
3. The WTBTS's nine+ year affiliation with the UN and their subsequent disassociation from that body removes any doubt in my mind that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses were unaware of this covenant agreement and the responsibilities of the WTBTS to continue association with the UN as a NGO.
4. The extended period of time involved destroyed all trust and faith I had that the WTBTS and its Governing Body were appointed by Jesus as His representative on earth.
5. It allowed me to leave the WTBTS and its affiliates with every single ounce of my integrity and self-respect intact because almost every Jehovah's Witness within my former circuit is aware that my departure was not due to me personally bringing reproach upon God as has been circulated throughout the circuit. On the contrary, I am only the messenger of the news that the WTBTS has brought reproach upon God by their actions and denial of responsibilty. I do admit that I am not ashamed to spread this Good News of the WTBTS vocally to any and all Jehovah's Witness I encounter in a public environment such as the grocery store, wal-Mart, etc. as this allows the general public to be made aware of the hypocrisy of the WTBTS and its local 'Christian' Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses.
So, once again I say thankyou to Mr. Theodore Jarazc