The name was suggested by someone who posts here, since it is not really a disassociation letter. Here, for your criticism pleasure, is my "un"association letter.
My "un"association letter
by AuldSoul 53 Replies latest jw experiences
The organization that seeks my straw should be more concerned about its many rafters
Well done!
G'day AuldSoul:
I don't really hold with disassociation letters in the normal way but having read yours, well I'm really impressed !
Well done.
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
Very nicely and sincerely written but you didn't tell us the outcome.
I was never baptised but everybody knew me for years as a JW, when I stopped going I don't think anybody batted an eyelid and no shunning.
Maybe it's diffferent when you are baptised, they see you as having sworn the Omerta. -
They haven't decided yet. In fact, this letter has stirred more attention on the BOE toward discovery of basis of the claims of wrongdoing against the Society than any prior meeting or letter.
We shall see...maybe they will let me walk away...but I'm not going to lose sleep over it, I left it up to them after all. Maybe they will lose sleep over it. That is the way it should be.
AuldSoul -
Or, if you choose to do so, you may accept that my conscience is at the helm where my spirituality is concerned and allow me to just walk away.
LOL! They allow no one to just "walk away." It's kind of like being in the army for one year. Can you just walk away and go back home to your normal life? Not gonna happen!
But seriously, good letter. I would expect them to use your letter as written proof of your disassociation - no more, no less. In fact, myself and a bunch of others here can all but guarantee it. Of course, they will probably want to meet with you to "help you." If you refuse their visit or push away their counsel, then your announcement will come fairly quickly.
I could echo Jourles comment too.
Re: the letter: If there were one statement I'd change, it's this one:
Expectation prolonged is making my heart sick. I need to know what your decision will be.
This puts you back in their power, it confirms their authority. I'd have omitted it.
But that's hindsight, eh?
You think I gave them too much credit for being able to understand context?
If you choose to do so, you may regard this letter as disassociation. Or, if you choose to do so, you may accept that my conscience is at the helm where my spirituality is concerned and allow me to just walk away. I only ask that you decide soon and that I am clearly informed of your choice prior to any announcement being made.
Given their abyssmal skills in discerning the contextual meaning of Scriptures, you just may have something there.
They'll take it to the CO and then likely to the Branch. Since you've given leave for them to view the letter as one of disassociation, the chances are that they will take that option. You have given them much to think about, though