When and where baptized

by drahcir yarrum 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • SlayerLayer

    I've only been to the Salisbury assembly hall twice. Once right after it was built, and once after I was d'fd. I think that the last time I was there was in 95. I may have been there when Lilacs was dunked.

    I rememebr coming home from that convention SO ready to be reinstated. I wrote my letter to the elders the night I got home.

  • WildHorses

    Hi Waiting, Slayer,

    I will admit that it is a beautiful hall. The pitcure on the wall at the entrance was my favorite. The one with the little girl with the Lion and the Lamb in the wheat field.

  • Stealth

    1979, Circuit Assembly Hall in Saint Louis Missiouri. Age 17

  • Tatiana

    so THAT was you I saw in the women's bathroom getting your butt whipped!!! LOL

  • SlayerLayer

    LOL Tatiana, I really wouldn't be surprised!

  • Tatiana

    Joelbear, I was at that assembly in Atlanta in '73. I remember it specifically because it was there that my uncle told us for the first time that he was anointed. He lives in Decatur.
    We drove to Atlanta from South Carolina in the heat and humidity with no AC.
    I was 16. Another reason I remember it so well, is because I got lost. I asked to go to the bathroom, and felt like walking around because it was so hot and the stadium wasn't covered. I was getting sun-burned. I forgot to look at the row # we were in and ended up in lost and found crying. Yes, I know, I WAS 16 and shouldn't have been crying, but that stadium is HUGE!!! And I was a very sensitive kid.

    I ended up having the brothers announce my name over the loudspeakers, and boy, did I get it when they finally came to get me!!


  • outnfree

    Norval, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 16, 1989.

    I invited my non-JW husband and he wouldn't come. I was upset because my kids (5, 3, & 1) didn't actually see me get dunked, either, because the sisters taking care of them didn't get close enough to the pool. I expected to feel 'different' somehow, too, once that holy spirit descended, Joelbear & Jim, but didn't. THAT was a disappointment.

    My best friend, who had been baptized years before at the Monroe, NY Assy Hall, said she felt "different" after being dunked. (I remember how the Hasidim HATED that the Assembly Hall was in their midst -- cars driving through the neighborhood on shabbas!!! Didn't know it was sold, though. Good for them!)


  • dubla

    i cant remember the exact date (1992). hmmmm. i do remember they told me to remember this day always; the most important day of my life, oops. it was a district convention at notre dame, indiana. everyone was so happy and proud (i was 16). i look back and know that i had no idea what i was doing or dedicating myself to. it was the thing to do though, and it felt right at the time. they say baptizing babies is so wrong, babies are not concious of the meaning, etc, etc. what do the kids in the jw org. know about the meaning when they grow up in the "truth"? what do they know about their own beliefs even? i talk to GROWN jws now that still do not know what they believe. i didnt know exactly what i believed, i still dont know all of what i supposedly believed then. what a joke.


  • proandcon

    April 1985...Monroe NY Ass'y Hall

  • YHWHWho

    I did the deed in 1973 or 1974, I can't recall for sure, at what I believe was a circuit assembly in Saratoga Springs NY. The baptism took place at the YMCA. I like many others got baptized because some of my friends were doing it. On reflection, I simply don't understand why I did it. Back in 1968 when my parents were getting into the "truth", I can clearly remember thinking "I can't wait till I'm 18 so I can quit this religon." Can anyone explain to me why an 8 year old would have these thoughts, yet be so stupid as to get baptized?

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