Hi there
I'm really glad i've found this site a week ago. Reading some of the stories and comments on here has really helped. There are so many out there who's lives have been ruined by the so-called truth.
I was brought up in the truth as an elders daughter, youngest of 5, a brother and sister had been disfellowshiped, other brother had left as a teenager and my other sister is still sitting on the fence aged 40 going on 15, if she'd made a decision instead of sitting on the fence I'm convinced she wouldn't be the alcoholic mess she is today! As the youngest child still in the truth, my parents clung onto the fact that I was the only one who would be saved at armageddon. It's not nice to have your dad sitting on your bed crying every night because you've told him you don't want to go to the meetings anymore. Emotional pressure is so unfair and i still feel incredibly bitter about that whole time in my life.
Anyway, I'd like to know if churches send anyone else into a blind panic? I think for me, it's actually being inside and seeing altars. Since the age of 17 when I left WTS, everytime i go into a church I shake uncontrollably and only now at the age of 31 I don't cry. It's not so much a fear of being struck down by lightening, I think it's more the fact that the whole religion thing, no matter what religion or church, makes me really panicky and has made me afraid to even talk to others about their beliefs for fear of being dragged into another cult. It took me 5 years to finally pluck up the courage to leave the last one!
I find it really hard to talk about life in the truth to people who haven't experienced it. To begin with I felt so bitter and it painful to talk about. Now I feel like i'm being over dramatic, surely it couldn't have been that bad compared to what people caught up in wars go through is it?
I'm starting to open my mind to other beliefs, but still panic when I'm in churches. Does anyone else experience the same thing?