Sex before marriage as a Witness okay, if ...

by free2beme 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Yes it happens but you get disfellowshipped for it, trust me. Especially when she has had 5 or 6 other partners into the marriage - she decides it will cover her own guilt when she admits to the elders she's a complete slut, she also tells them about you before marriage. Let the reader use disernment.

  • SomeGeek

    ok then I have a question: I know a young man who got "some girl" pregnant. Needless to say, she wasn't a nice wittness girl. He hasn't been disfellowshiped. The baby is almost a year and I haven't seen any: different behavioe with his family, slowing of attendance to meetings, or not ahnging with the same freinds.

    Then again, I don't know what goes on once he steps inta a Kingdom Hall

  • aniron

    Well going back to the late 1970's when I got married. There was 5 other couples who got married in same year. Ages ranged from 18 to 35.

    Over the years I learnt that they had all had sex before marriage, when they became engaged. Mainly because of the JW view that as in ancient Israel, once you where engaged, you were as good as married.

    About 10 years ago we had weddings in KH. . Mind you two of the brides where already pregnant.

    I remember an Elder saying to me a couple of year later about the two who had been pregnant. He said they were the unlucky ones, the others were just more careful. He said, we knew they were all having sex, we would have just jumped on them if the broke the engagement.

    Incidently yes my wife and I did also. In fact she was the instigator. We were able to use her home, as her mother worked during day. Often we would go from field service to the bedroom.

  • greendawn

    I also agree that once engaged couples can have sex. What else can they do if they are not capable of getting married right away and also can't go on abstaining from sex?

    In ancient Israel where these rules originated life was much simpler the couple (and the relatives) could gather stones or bake bricks and build a house for themselves, some lived in caves. The fields and flocks would provide food.

  • serendipity

    Somegeek said:

    ok then I have a question: I know a young man who got "some girl" pregnant. Needless to say, she wasn't a nice wittness girl. He hasn't been disfellowshiped. The baby is almost a year and I haven't seen any: different behavioe with his family, slowing of attendance to meetings, or not ahnging with the same freinds.

    This brought to mind shocking statements made in the Nov. 22, 2005 Awake, in the article "Young People Ask... Must We Have a Formal Wedding?" It addressed the situation where inappropriate conduct occurred while dating. Here's the shocking part:

    "If you were to marry to cover a sin, you could well be compounding one mistake with another." It goes on to say to talk to parents and the elders and confess. "Once you have regained a clean conscience, you will be in a better position to make a balanced decision about marriage."

    I thought for sure the WTS would have insisted the couple marry. Of course, this advice is in the Awake, territory of the progressives. I have to wonder what WT article will be printed shortly to contradict this advice.

  • free2beme

    Although I had been sexually active as a teen and early twenties, when I married the person I married as a Witness, I did not have sex with them until after marriage.

  • greendawn

    Free2Beme, perhaps that was because your pre engagement partners were non JWs so they would never tell.

  • free2beme
    your pre engagement partners were non JWs so they would never tell.

    Party, but for the most part the time I married my spouse, I was really trying hard to be a good little Witness.

  • mustang

    Welcome to "The New Puritans": episodes 5 times a week (5 meetings, on 3 days) plus Saturday magazine service plus Sunday FS plus mid-week FS plus ... Oh, what the heck, they'll follow you around and spy on you, so it is continuous!!!


  • fjtoth

    This thread reminds me of how the Watchtower Society plays God.

    If you have pre-marital sex before you became a JW, no discipline is administered by the organization. You have to face the music only if you do it after becoming an associate and especially after baptism as a JW.

    The same applies to divorce on "unscriptural" grounds, and to re-marriage. You're free to become a JW. All is forgiven, no questions asked. The Society speaks for God. Just don't get caught doing such things AFTER you become a JW!

    A former thief doesn't have to make restitution for all the things he stole even if he professed to being a Christian before his baptism as a JW. The WT Society has "authority from God" to say a former Baptist, Pentecostal or other person who underwent immersion in a non-JW religion is free and clear. It would be "nice" if he paid everything back, but he doesn't need to. He's totally forgiven -- God (the WT Society) has spoken. Only if he steals after becoming a JW or an associate does he have to pay for his crimes--before God (the WT Society and its "elders").


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