I found this latest article in the Awake to be quite remarkable. While they try to explain cutting yourself as a sickness in the world, it
nevertheless makes clear that some Witness kids are committing this self multilation, too. I had to wonder whether this was a sudden
rare burst of honesty on the part of the Awake writers - or whether the problem had gotten so bad in congregations that they were compelled
to comment on it.
At the bottom of the article, it poses some questions:
"What are some alternatives to cutting when you feel depressed?"
In whom could you confide if you have a problem with cutting?"
Things like this hit you with the clarity of a two by four right between the eyes.
How can this "spiritual paradise" go on like this, attracting aberrations and sickness, while exalting themselves as the favored of God?
When do they hit bottom? I am reminded of the Nazi's love of children - in which they were valued as future housefraus and warrior
soldiers - but never as human beings. The Awake cover features "Old Age- Meeting the Challenge" as if the organization had any
greater need for more pictures of smiling, wrinkled faces, while the next generation of Witness kids is lost. Perhaps it's all for the best,
as their supply of future magazine peddlers "leaves the truth", hopefully, to find solace somewhere else.