what job could you have had?

by sleepy 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Hi i've just come home from cleaning windows.What an absolutely soul destroying job.
    When I think of the things I could have done.
    I remmember how my teachers in school used to tell me I would surely go to university and get a good job.I remmember the shock on one teachers face a few years after i left school when i told her i was a window cleaner.
    I was also intrested in art and quite good at it.My grandfather who wasn't a witness offered to help me and my brother get good jobs in the art world.
    We turned him down.
    Arrmegeddon was so soon.
    Anyone else like me ?
    what do you do and what could you have done?

  • ArgCampeon

    Oh sleepy, why do you blame others for your own failures?

    I never went to college, but I am now a well paid webmaster with a major organization.

    If you are so unhappy with your job, why don't you register at a local junior college and get some training?

  • joelbear

    I was a gifted Mathematics student. My teachers and guidance counselors wanted me to leave home and go to college when they found out my parents were against it. I didn't have the personal strength to do this. I ended up in banking and now in consulting as the business development marketing person for our company. I use my natural communication skills to do my job. I have about 3 years of college, mostly business and core classes. I started back to school
    last year to study Math and Sociology, I want to be a Social scientist with a heavy background in statistics. Now, if I could only have the guts to quit my job and go to school full time.

    I need guts.

    I have stopped blaming others for my life and it has made me feel tremendously better to realize that I alone have control over my life which means I am free to do anything.

    I still battle the fear of change. I stick to things that are familiar to me. I inherited these traits or was taught them by my parents who never travelled, never moved more than 200 miles from one spot and now wish they had done more.

    I have only had 3 jobs and have only lived in 3 places as an adult myself. I have travelled and seen a lot more than they have.

  • sleepy


    Sorry have you missed something

    I was young we were told arrmagedon IS coming SOON maybee tomorrow dont get a career if you want to live.

    I think i can justly pass on some of the blame

  • orbison

    i would have gone into law, in fact i was at the time i started studying,,,,sheesh


  • julien

    sleepy: The point is, it isn't really too late to change your life. Take courses or read books in what interests you, try to get a job doing it. Even if you have to start at the ground level and work up it surely would be better than something you describe as 'soul destroying' (I don't doubt that it is).. Or mentally frame your work differently; it is a period where your brain is basically idle. So view it as a time to think/plan/conceive for art or other creative outlets you can do at night.
    I (like countless others) bypassed going to college but basically self trained myself in computer programming.. I have always been happy at my jobs. But I think I would have rather been a physicist..

  • SixofNine

    I feel quite sure that I could have been a contender.

    Damn that organization!

    But seriously, I worry about this statement: "What an absolutely soul destroying job." I do understand having some bitterness towards the attitudes that got you where you are, but I don't think it is healthy to look at your livelyhood that way. I really have to think that it is your choice as to the extent that it damages your soul. Realize that most people, witness or otherwise, aren't satisfied with their job.

    And if you have to change to be happy, change. Just the actions that facilitate changing should do wonders for your soul.

  • larc


    There are several people who post here who started college later in life. JAVA started college when he as 40 and now has a master's degree. Lindy just started last spring and loves it. I think she is in her forties.

    It seems to me that if you take action to improve yourself, that you will have less time for anger and more time for the sheer joy of learning.

  • sleepy

    Sorry did i sound angry,
    I was just making the point that I do what I do today along with many others specificly because of the teachings of Jehovahs witnesses in relation to the last days pioneering etc.

    I am not bitter , just a bit disappointed that I haven't of yet fufilled my potential.

    College is not an opion yet due to my responibillites.

    I do have plans for the future though.

  • jukief

    Sleepy, when I was 30 years old I went through a divorce and quit going to meetings. I had two young sons to support (my ex wasn't the least interested in custody and paid me a lousy $300/month child support). At the time I was working in a glass shop (the only woman glazier). It had absolutely no future; when things got slow they'd send me home. I had no benefits. I didn't know what to do to raise my kids because I'd never gone to college and had no training.

    My sister suggested I go to college. I didn't think there was any possible way I could do it because I had to work to support my children, right? Well, that's when I found out about financial aid. Because I was head of a household, I qualified for the highest level of aid. The whole time I was in college I got a Pell grant that covered my tuition (and at first, my books). I also got work study and I took out students loans. I worked full time during breaks and I managed to get by. I got my degree and have had a really good career.

    Don't give up. If you really want to do it, you can find a way. Look into grants and loans and scholarships.

    Good luck!

    Julie F

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