I can't stand it so I must post this creationist respond if you can

by skyman 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skyman

    I can't stand it I got to post. The Grand canyon Actually disprove Creationist Because Granit Rock is the toughest of rocks found on Earth. The Grand canyon has areas filled only with Granit Rock. No earth flood can cause the Granit to dissolve only time can, only millions of years can do this. Plus if the Canyon did prove Creationist correct then every continent on earth would have at least two Grand Canyon on each continental divide. So am I to believe that only the Western USA had the GREAT FLOOD. Because that is what the Grand Canyon would prove if the creationist are true.

  • skyman

    Like I thought chicken shits can't respond to logic just emotions

  • skyman

    I see 44 people have looked at this post they all must agree with my post or can not disprove real reasoning.

  • Forscher

    Water and grit under pressure certainly can go through Granite much faster than than that. However, you might want to be aware that not every creationist on this forum buys into the young-earth theories. The admission that the Genesis text allows more time for the creation of the universe and the earth itself is one Dub belief I've seen no evidence to justify dropping. As for the Grand Canyon in particular, I don't have enough knowledge of the geological makeup of its strata to have a position one way or the other.


  • Forscher

    Excuse me. I intended to sign it

    One of the Chickenshits asked for,

  • Forscher

    I was typing while you made that last post before I posted

    Forscher, Chickenshit extraordinaire.

  • Forscher

    wow, I went past 400 posts! Think I'll ever be a Jedi?

  • skyman

    Thanks I can agree with the old earth view I have not yet became an ex-creationist. Because I believe in an earth that is Billion of years old and GOD had time on his hands to play with the animals he created and may be we are next to go. I am almost an evolunist almost.

  • skyman

    Also in the Grand Canyon were the Granit Rock is at you can see layers of wear that show the earth either raised or sank they look like trails in the Granit Rock definitly not from a Global flood but time.

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    You did not mention the effect earthquakes played in the making of the Grand Canyon.

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