You are correct the only problem is in places the Granite Rock make up most of the local landscape and the creationist must have an answer for these areas as well. Plus like I have mentioned if this is proof then we should have dozens of Grand Canyons all over the earth and we don't that is unless the great flood was on the western side of the U.S.A.
I can't stand it so I must post this creationist respond if you can
by skyman 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
What are using the Grand Canyon to disprove, Skyman?
Young Earth? YEC's are able to believe that God created beams of light stretching from distant stars all the way to the earth. I suppose to take it to its logical conclusion, he would have created the vast spheres of light coming from every star and stretching in every direction. He at least created those spheres big enough that they each intersect the earth. He also conveniently created them pre-red-shifted and bent by any large bodies they would have passed along the way if they had occurred naturally. But of course, he's god, so nothing's impossible or even simply not worth doing.
If they can believe that, they'd have little trouble believing that he created the Grand Canyon just as it is today, minus 6,000 years.
The flood? If a person is able to believe that of all people living on the earth 4,000 years ago, the only righteous people were one man, the woman he happened to marry, all three of their children (who were, by a happy coincidence, all males) and the three women they happened to marry, then such a person would have no problem believing anything else about the flood, despite any and all evidence to the contrary. Getting past believing that initial "righteous selection process" -- wherein the girls' parents and other siblings were entirely left out, and no rebels were found in Noah's immediate family -- is like an initiation into the entire myth. If you can buy that, then you're ready to buy the rest.
So don't be surprised if you get few responses. :-(
Dave of the "becoming embittered with faith" class
That is my point they should just quit trying to bring science into the debate to look intelligent because science prove the creationist wrong. That is what boils me over when they are penned down they say anything is possible for GOD. So they need to leave logical science out and just keep the magic. I have a partner that is a religious freak and he allway try's to convert me back into the DARK SIDE. He always tells me GOD HOLLY SPIRIT speed up time. Magic.
Sorry but I see no reason to believe in a young earth, therefore there is no reason to believe the flood of Noah's day carved the Grand Canyon. The physical evidence would lead one to acknowledge that the Earth is much, much older.
I have a partner that is a religious freak and he allway try's to convert me back into the DARK SIDE. He always tells me GOD HOLLY SPIRIT speed up time. Magic.
What's funny about that is that he is as fully convinced of your blindness to facts as you are of his. In your world view, there simply could not be a young earth, a noah's flood, or a truly biblical god. (I assume, from your post) And yet from his world view, all of those things simply MUST BE.
And there are Muslims that live on the same block with a whole other take on what MUST BE, based on their world view.
And yet it's the same world. Funny. (In a "I hope no one kills me because I don't believe the way they do" sort of way)
Interesting Fahrverneugen. Does that represnt accurately the angularity of the of the formations? I downloaded it for a better look. Thanks. I'll catch you later!
Forscher -
I was talking about the chart.
Forscher -
Guess I didn't respond because:
a) Your post didn't make any sense
b) I don't know what 'granit' rock is....
Reluctant Buddha
why, you heretic blasphemer n stuff! GODDIDIT!
Nate Merit
FORSCHER, please explain to me the Biblical evidence for the "day-age" theory. There is none. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. It's simply an attempt to confrom the Bible to science rather than allowing Genesis to be what it is. A spiritual document.
You can PM me your Biblical reasons for this belief.
Happy New Year,