I got a confirmation last night that bethel is indeed in Downsize MODE-
Followup on activity at NYC Bethel
by startingover 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Mark my words, they will eventually leave Brooklyn entirely. It seems that they have several phases of pulling out of Brooklyn:
I told my sister last night. In 5 years they will only have 117 and 125. The rest they will be forced to sell off to keep up the charade of "jah's blessing"
Maybe they'll sell everything in Brooklyn but the Jay building to "the Donald" and that can be the next "Apprentice's" job, to turn this prime, multi-multi-million dollar property into commercial and residential units? The WTB&TS is going to need all the $$$$$ they can get their hands on the way things are going with the new information coming out and the potential lawsuits they will be facing. Sooner or later they are going to have to cave in just like the Catholic Church has done. They'd better get ready now.
Thanks for that link. I haven't been around offset printing in 30 years and it seems technology has made great advancements. I wonder if it's the same with these big presses as it is with the the digital printers I use. It seems technology changes every 6 months and heads in a different direction.
The writing is on the wall, they are leaving Brooklyn.
I heard from excellent sources that the Society is slowly selling off real estate in the US and investing the money offshore. Maybe they're doing this to avoid large lawsuit payouts.
Has anyone else heard this?
I had the Dec 1st 2005 Watchtower but the images are too large to put on here. Email me at [email protected] and I will be glad to send you the scanned 5 pages of the magazine.
I did notice that it said nothing about the bethel buildings in NYC sitting empty or that they sent 1500 bethelite workers home to hunt jobs.
This machine can print a million magazines a hr. So it is super fast, so we will have more of their magazines to toss in the trash. LOL
They probably don't like the idea of the Bethelites all scattered through the neighborhoods in little residences. There are too many opportunities for social, (non-religious) gatherings... at the bistros, shops, groceries, cafes... If they could consolidate them in just a couple of buildings: 90 Sands, Dumbo, with shuttle, tunnels, cafeteria and commissary, suddenly it becomes very inconvenient to duck out for lunch, or go for a quick shop after work and skip Bethel Dinner. Instead of walking downstairs and 1/2 a block to these things, it's a shuttle ride or a very long walk. No time. They become more isolated with every change.
Are their real global statistics telling us something that we don't know? Are they losing a lot more members than they care to admit?
I just heard about this now.
God i love this site!
The hi-rise is the easy part of the puzzle. It is being built to house the ancient worthies who will be returning in 2025. Bible Chronology is certain in its indications for that year. This system of Bible Chronology is very simple. I have created a simple graphic to help demonstrate the process:
If any of you have trouble understanding why you should believe the system, don't PM me or email me or call me. I have to disfellowship you, although I hate to do it. I hope you repent and believe in my system I made up before you get destroyed at Armageddon.