They probably don't like the idea of the Bethelites all scattered through the neighborhoods in little residences. There are too many opportunities for social, (non-religious) gatherings... at the bistros, shops, groceries, cafes... If they could consolidate them in just a couple of buildings: 90 Sands, Dumbo, with shuttle, tunnels, cafeteria and commissary, suddenly it becomes very inconvenient to duck out for lunch, or go for a quick shop after work and skip Bethel Dinner. Instead of walking downstairs and 1/2 a block to these things, it's a shuttle ride or a very long walk. No time. They become more isolated with every change. I laughed when I read the part in bold... When I was at Bethel one of those resisdences had a party one night that brought in the cops... One of the antics that occured was that some Bethelite was taking a leak out the second story window of the resisdence...
Followup on activity at NYC Bethel
by startingover 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So in a few years the Brooklyn Bethel tour will just be a drive-by in a yellow cab..
The tours will be like Graceland. This is where Knorr sat. This is where the books used to be printed. This is where we used to eat our food. These are the awards we presented to ourselves . . . .
I went to Graceland last year...not worth the nearly 30.00 ticket price. The best thing to do at Graceland. Go in the morning when it's free to the burial site of Elvis et al and then buy a souvenir across the street. That's the cheap way to see Graceland!
heard from excellent sources that the Society is slowly selling off real estate in the US and investing the money offshore.
BRITAIN to be precise where the Charity laws are very generous
Watchtower Society orders seven LITHOMAN presslines from MAN Roland
February 10, 2003 -- The international religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses has recently ordered seven LITHOMAN presslines from MAN Roland to be installed in its printing plants in England, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Japan (one press each) and the USA (two presses). Delivery of the order running in the middle of tens of million Euros are expected to take place from July 2003.
Almost 80 years of cooperation between Watchtower and MAN Roland
With the biggest single order of this customer to date, MAN Roland continues the series of international successes in its cooperation with the Watchtower Society over a period of nearly eighty years by now: in 1927, Watchtower USA ordered the first letterpress machine from MAN Roland. A second press followed in 1929. By 1976, about 30 MAN Roland presses had been installed in the United States alone. This made Watchtower the biggest customer worldwide for MAN Roland at that time.
Watchtower production now standardized worldwide with LITHOMAN
Since 1984, Watchtower in Italy and the US has been working with a total of five 32-page LITHOMAN presslines. The positive experience with these machines has now led to the decision to use this press type worldwide. That means printing quality on the highest level worldwide. The new, single-web systems in 64-page configuration operate at speeds up to 45,000 cylinder revolutions per hour and with a web width of 1,480 millimetres. They are uniformly equipped with 2:5:5 folder.
Publications with multimillion circulations In future, the new Watchtower LITHOMAN presses will be producing a large propoprtion of the high-circulation publications such as The Watchtower with a circulation of just under 25 million copies in 146 languages and Awake with a momentary circulation of 22 million copies in 86 languages. In addition, the machines are intended for use in the production of bibles or books of biblical exegesis, each in multimillion circulation.
More capacity and quality, positive synergies
The new LITHOMAN presses markedly reduce the age average of the Watchtower machinery, thus considerably increasing overall productivity. Another important advantage will result from the close cooperation of the individual Watchtower printing plants, which produce largely the same products. When production will eventually be run on presses of the same type, Watchtower will benefit further because of synergies such as positive cost effects.
Apart from a substantial capacity increase, Watchtower expects maximum availability and reliability, high net output, excellent printing quality and high efficiency to result from the new LITHOMAN machinery, while it looks forward to continuing and intensifying the cooperation with MAN Roland as its partner in printing and press technology.
If the WT is spending millions of dollars in new presslines then Armageddon won't happen for another 300 years.... -
1500 out!?!
So in other words be available when we need you and when we don't F%&k off
It's now so controlled by behind the scenes lawyers who are just trying to squeeze every penny before the house of cards comes down! Save 10k here and put it straight into the pocket 15k here same thing! They aren't even witnesses so THEY aren't blinded by the idea that jehober is going to save them! They can see the writing on the wall and want all the money they can get RIGHT NOW!
smart move.
Here is that Dec 1, 2005 article. Scans provided by Balsam....