by avishai 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is funny, in a way. It shows the double standard of the freedom of religion declaration. 'Course, having been a jw, and then a christian for a while, i understand the fear that they feel. Yes, fear is the real problem, i think.
Benjamin Belial
Wiccans are wannabe Christians anyway. They try to act liberated and ancient, but they still tie themselves down with "threefold law" morality which holds them back and makes them just as fearful as Christians are. They also(most of them) think their religion is ancient, when it was based on Gardener's bastardization of Golden Dawn rituals and things he took from Crowley(yet most of them frown upon or dislike Golden Dawn magic and Crowley).
A religion disliking the religions is stole stuff from? Hm. Sounds awful familiar.
Benjamin you are so wrong. Avaishi thanks for posting this.
Wiccans are wannabe Christians anyway. They try to act liberated and ancient, but they still tie themselves down with "threefold law" morality which holds them back and makes them just as fearful as Christians are. They also(most of them) think their religion is ancient, when it was based on Gardener's bastardization of Golden Dawn rituals and things he took from Crowley(yet most of them frown upon or dislike Golden Dawn magic and Crowley).
A religion disliking the religions is stole stuff from? Hm. Sounds awful familiar.
I don't care if their Holy trinity is Ernie, Bert, and Oscar the grouch. That's not the point. It's that it's not getting taken seriously as a religion due to CHRISTIAN influence, Christianity's beliefs being every bit as, and maybe more daffy than Wicca, and likely just as "ripped off". It's a case of "You can't practice religion because My God say's you are offensive!" and using the Government to enforce it. And that is wrong.
Benjamin Belial
Can you back up the assertion that I'm wrong? Because I can back up my statements.
Benjamin Belial
Seems to me like I didn't disagree with you.
You ARE wrong. Most Wiccans have nothing at all to do with Crowley.Avishai:I agree with what you're saying.
There's a strand of theology that is "post-millenial" (unlike the pre-millenial stuff we were taught) that expects that the world will get more and more Christian as time goes on, until the whole world is converted.
Those kind of folks tend to get a bit antsy when they see the "Christian world" (like it ever existed) being eroded. It's a very Puritanical view of the USA, and one which is also found on our shores occasionally, too. Maybe folks don't like a little bit of good ole Christian persecution
While I have no difficulty with the idea of Christians in politics and lobbying to have their beliefs tolerated, I do have difficulty when this turns into intolerance for others. It betrays the whole ethos of the "reward" not being on this plane of existance, when they expect the whole world to be Christianised.
It only does the Christian cause ill, when they show such a spirit of (to be frank) hatred.
LT, of the "unorthodox Christian" class
Hey Little Toe...
Benjamin Belial
You ARE wrong. ; Most Wiccans have nothing at all to do with Crowley.
Wow, once again someone corrected me by not disagreeing with me. Incredible how you managed to read my post and miss the entire point.