My problem w/ evolution vs. creationism

by TallTexan 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TallTexan
    I would imagine that at least 83% (or more) of Americans (or Australian, or Brits or Germans or ...) haven't got a Fu$ken clue about maths either. And most of them can live quite comfortably without it. Does that means it shouldn't be taught in schools either???!!!???

    Please refer to my previous post. Math is a proven science. Just because someone can't do math doesn't mean they don't believe in it. Of course it should be taught. With a little dedication, most people can learn to do math. Evolution is a theory at best, a flawed theory, that has not been proven.

  • TallTexan
    how many americans do believe in UFO's? How many american's believe that Elvis is still alive? etc.

    Don't make me roll over your country with an Abrams tank.......

    Dude, that statement is so ludicrous I won't even bother to reply.....

  • greendawn

    To be fair to TT you should be comparing like with like, the vast majority of American people unlike those in the Middle East today or everywhere during the Middle Ages, are well informed and educated and their verdict on evolution means a lot, and all the more so if we recall that the educational establishment and the mass media are almost wholly pro evolution and it's their propaganda that the public hear day and night.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    nor drawings of any species in mid-evolutionary cycle

    LOL, there is no such thing. evolution isn't going anywhere. think about it for a second.... there is no "mid-evolutionary cycle". either that, or everything, and all points and times are "mid".


  • TallTexan
    That is a wrong assertion; if you look into your history books you'll see very few cases when majority of people had right view of things. In dark ages majority believed inquisition was necessary to root out witches, majority believed earth was flat, etc. It was always minority of people who had special knowledge of anything more advanced not majority.

    That is a good point, however, the views that most people had to begin with were propagated by scientists of their day. Science is wrong as often as it's right. I can point to dozens of instances where the 'brilliant' thinkers of the day, who were right on some things, were just as wrong on others

    Let's keep this going...this is fun.....

  • DannyBloem
    how many americans do believe in UFO's? How many american's believe that Elvis is still alive? etc.

    Don't make me roll over your country ;with an Abrams tank.......

    Dude, that statement is so ludicrous I won't even bother to reply.....

    just here the results of a poll. I do not know how scientific the results are. (I can almost not believe it muself, it would be too shocking)

    To Many Americans, UFOs Are Real and Have Visited Earth in Some Form

    More than half (56 percent) of the American public think that UFOs are something real and not just in people's imagination. Nearly as many (48 percent) believe that UFOs have visited earth in some form.

    Males are significantly more likely to believe in the reality of UFOs, as are those under the age of 65. A significant drop is witnessed in the percentage of believers among the 65+ age group.

    In terms of their psychological profile, a majority of adults who hold the beliefs and opinions outlined below also fall into the category of UFO believers.

    Among adults who...
    % Think UFOs are Real
    % Believe UFOs Have Visited Earth

    Believe government does not share enough information with the public
    60% 54%

    Believe government does not tell us everything about extraterrestrial life and UFOs
    70% 62%

    Are very/somewhat psychologically prepared for the discovery of extraterrestrial life
    63% 55%

    Believe in intelligent life
    73% 65%

    Are very/somewhat interested in an ET encounter
    72% 65%

    Believe in abductions
    93% 90%

    Have experienced (or know someone who experienced) a Close Encounter
    82% 76%

    Humans Are Not the Only Form of Intelligent Life in the Universe

    Two-thirds (67 percent) of adults think there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe. This belief tends to be more prevalent among males, adults ages 64 or younger, and residents of the Northeast as opposed to North Central and South.

    Moreover, nearly half (45 percent) of adults believe intelligent life from other worlds has monitored life on earth. This belief is again held by a significantly higher percentage of males (50 percent vs. 40 percent of females) and of adults ages 64 or younger (49 percent vs. 28 percent of those over 65 years old). The belief is especially strong among 18-to-24-year-olds (59 percent).

    The same patterns are evident when analyzing the belief that humans have already interacted with intelligent life from other worlds. While over one-third (37 percent) of all adults can be considered believers of this phenomenon, the percentage drops significantly among the 65+ age group (16 percent vs. 42 percent of 18-to-64-year-olds). Females are also less inclined to count themselves among the believers (33 percent vs. 40 percent of males).


    One in five Americans in general (21 percent) and more than half (57 percent) of those who say that humans have already interacted with extraterrestrial life believe that humans have ever been taken or abducted by other intelligent lifeforms.

    Once again, differences of opinion exist between the genders and age groups.

    A belief in extraterrestrial life and abductions by such lifeforms is more prevalent among those who feel the government is hiding relevant information; who are very psychologically prepared for a discovery and themselves very interested in an extraterrestrial encounter; and who already have personal experience with a Close Encounter.

    Among adults who... % Think There Are Other Forms of Intelligent Life % Believe in Abductions

    Believe government does not tell us everything about extraterrestrial life and UFOs
    76% 28%

    Are very psychologically prepared for the discovery of extraterrestrial life
    79% 32%

    Are very interested in an extraterrestrial encounter
    84% 40%

    Have experienced (or know someone who experienced) a Close Encounter
    83% 47%
  • tetrapod.sapien
    Evolution is a theory at best, a flawed theory, that has not been proven.

    begging: the question--a fallacy of logical argument that assumes as true the very thing that one is trying to prove:

    holy vishnu cow, can anyone say "biased hidden agenda" ?

    because i can.... wow. this sort of begged ignorance drains me. good night jesus of america.


  • funkyderek


    Really? Guess I have failed to see any species, nor pictures of any species, nor drawings of any species in mid-evolutionary cycle. How is it proven? How is it observable?

    Tetrapod pointed out the fallacy in your remarks. See for the closest thing you're likely to see to what you're looking for.

    Exactly. I don't want my child taught evolution the same as an atheist doesn't want their child taught creationism or taught in a 'god-oriented' environment. Yet, they have that right, but I don't, even though my beliefs are in the majority. Why are my rights not as important?

    Because the rights of your child to receive a useful education trump your rights to believe whatever nonsense you wish.

    Really? Prove it unequivocably and maybe I'll believe it.

    No you won't, but if you wish to learn a little more about it see

    I don't consider giving equal time to something that 80% of the population believes to be true could in any realm be constituted as 'tyranny'.....

    So, because the majority of the population is poorly educated and misinformed about an important scientific theory, you deem that such ignorance must be perpetuated simply because the beliefs are held by the majority? That is tyranny and one of the reasons your country has become a laughing stock.

  • DannyBloem
    That is a good point, however, the views that most people had to begin with were propagated by scientists of their day. Science is wrong as often as it's right. I can point to dozens of instances where the 'brilliant' thinkers of the day, who were right on some things, were just as wrong on others

    This is true, of course. It does not mean that the knowledge is not increasing, that EVERY knowledge found was false. When discovered that the earth was round, we still believe it. When Newton discoverd the laws of gravity, we still accept them, even though we come to a finer relativistic understanding of them. And we can give many examples of this.
    So will many of the frontier thinking of today, propably most, turn out to be untrue.
    Evolution however is not a recen whishfull theory. It is there a long time, and it has been tested and worked on as a basis for further studies. Some of the details be be unclear, and on some of the details we maybe wrong, but the foundation will be standing, it is a fact.

    There is so much evidence, from genetics. So example the DNA comparisions from man related animals and even the Neaderthaler. Evolution can be seen in progess, and matches all evidence. Things predicted my evolution theory are indeed found. What else we need?

    How many things are predicted by ID and are actually found? What scientific evidence is there for ID. It is only a attack, showing some possible holes in evolution, prediction nothing, leaving nothing to be discovered. Therefor it is no science, therefor it should no be thought as science.

  • ballistic

    Funky D, remind me to never get into an argument with you.

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