hi im one of jehovahs wittnesses.and from what i can see the bible clearly shows the seventy years apply to the captivity of the jews in babylon.so its all down to what you think the scriptures say.so if the scriptures say it doesnt apply to the jews in captivity.then we are wrong.but if it does.then you can forget what people say about the date 586 bce because if you use the bible Gods word as your guide the lenth of captivity was longer than 50 years.a lot of people prase men who wright these books on how the wittnesses are wrong.and fail to see that these people are made of flesh and blood just like the men in the watchtower organition.the way i view it is. if the date was 586 bce was correct it doesnt change the fact we are in the last days.and with out twisting things what group on earth bring prase to jehovah as being allmighty God?so by saying that i mean the bible promises that jehovahs day is coming and he says he will save the person who does his will so dates and who is right and wrong are not importent. when it comes down to being saved its about how we live our life. and from what i can see of carl o johnsons work his faith isnt a strong one he wrought a article on noahs flood and was saying it was more than likely a local flood.well for a man who says he wanted to stick to what the bible said and not the watch tower he isnt doing a very good job because if it was just a local flood then why would there be need to build a ark to put animals in if the flood is off small proportion.and the list goes on for arguments against it being just a loal flood.there are also things ive seen were he quotes from watchtowers as saying things about appostates. i checked the watchtower article he was refering to and half of it was made up.so why do people take what these men say as absoulute truth.a number of reasons to put it simple one good reason is people would love to see jehovahs wittnesses be wrong because they clame to have the truth of the bible some ex wittnesses simply didnt want that life style so finding somebody who says there wrong is like a comfort to them.talking of ex jws they say they have been told what to do and what to think by a group of men.well surley by reading such books as gentile times reconsidered.is simply beleaving another mans view on things.
What is the best JW book please?
by Clam 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I liked 30 Years a Watchtower Slave by William J. Schnell. It was the 1st "apostate" book I ever read. It gives an interesting perspective of the history of the org. (IMO the title puts people off, but it is really a down to earth book, not an angry rant.)
A good book is Awakening of a Jehovah's Witnesses by Diane Wilson.
Franz' books are the best.
But I give a close second to the last one I read: "Visions of Glory" by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison. It is an extremely well-written first-hand look by an insider covering a long period of time. It is also unique among ex-dubbie genre because it is written by a woman. It has a point of view that I found eye-opening.
I got mine on E-bay.
Thanks everyone, except PMJ of course!
I have read tons on the net and of course this forum is a brilliant resource in itself, but peoples' reading recommendations are always of interest. Happy New Year to you all.
truth about the last days
Dear PMJ. I am too a Jehovahs Witness, and at first I did not believe in the 586bc time either. So, as 1 John 4:1,5+6 states that "do not believe in every inspired expression, but test the inspired expression to see if they origianate with God". So, what I did was to go to the public liberary or look in a Encyclopedia in my local bookshop.The internet has some Encyclopedia sites. The best free one is Wikipedia. This site explains EVERY event that happened at the time. Did you know that the Jews were thrown out of Jeruselem in 597bc for pagen worship and returned back in 537bce because Cyrus The Mede said that they could? And it was the Isrealites who fled in 586 when the Temple was destroyed? And not all Isrealites fled upon the destruction of the temple, due to the fact that they wanted to resort to worshipping false Idols that the Babeloneions had? And it was Ezra that brought back the Jews ( now 14,000 in number) from Babelon in 537bce? And when the Isrealites returned (what was left of them) (70 years) they found the Jews and Samaritans verbely fighting over the land.And we will not be sure if all the Israelites returned at the 70years due to the fact that some may have decided to stay where they fled to and to continue worship there. The Isrealites eventually fazed away, but the Jews grew stronger. My only advice to to follow what 1 John says, and dont only look up WT items for the answers,-they will only support each other. I am still doing so as we speak. From your Brother Keith.
hi im one of jehovahs wittnesses.and from what i can see the bible clearly shows the seventy years apply to the captivity of the jews in babylon.so its all down to what you think the scriptures say.so if the scriptures say it doesnt apply to the jews in captivity.then we are wrong.but if it does.then you can forget what people say about the date 586 bce because if you use the bible Gods word as your guide the lenth of captivity was longer than 50 years.a lot of people prase men who wright these books on how the wittnesses are wrong.and fail to see that these people are made of flesh and blood just like the men in the watchtower organition.the way i view it is. if the date was 586 bce was correct it doesnt change the fact we are in the last days.and with out twisting things what group on earth bring prase to jehovah as being allmighty God?so by saying that i mean the bible promises that jehovahs day is coming and he says he will save the person who does his will so dates and who is right and wrong are not importent. when it comes down to being saved its about how we live our life. and from what i can see of carl o johnsons work his faith isnt a strong one he wrought a article on noahs flood and was saying it was more than likely a local flood.well for a man who says he wanted to stick to what the bible said and not the watch tower he isnt doing a very good job because if it was just a local flood then why would there be need to build a ark to put animals in if the flood is off small proportion.and the list goes on for arguments against it being just a loal flood.there are also things ive seen were he quotes from watchtowers as saying things about appostates. i checked the watchtower article he was refering to and half of it was made up.so why do people take what these men say as absoulute truth.a number of reasons to put it simple one good reason is people would love to see jehovahs wittnesses be wrong because they clame to have the truth of the bible some ex wittnesses simply didnt want that life style so finding somebody who says there wrong is like a comfort to them.talking of ex jws they say they have been told what to do and what to think by a group of men.well surley by reading such books as gentile times reconsidered.is simply beleaving another mans view on things.
Hi PMJ and welcome to the board. You raise a lot of issues here and make judgments based on superficial grounds. This in turn makes you diss the people who have written about them. I was where you were once, so I understand how you're thinking. I suggest you put what you thought you knew into the background and start over, looking afresh at the Scriptures, asking 'how do we know? why do we assume?' questions and examine a wide variety of research materials on history (including WT history) and biblical exegesis. Then you'll be better equipped to make judgments on the validity - or otherwise - of the arguments presented against the WTS view on certain subjects.
Reluctant Buddha
Mister Watctowers Big Book of Cosmic Truth and Social Etiquette
Actually, the Finished Mystery (1917) is great proof direct from the WTS that the WTS does not have the
truth. It is online somewhere but I have that info at home.Blondie