Friends or not Friends?

by whyamihere 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere


    Using the phrase "not tattling"...still doesn't make it right. I am not a child and I did not feel the need to run to him and tell on her. It would have been childish. Plain and simple.

    Josie....Dammit Girl you always know what to say. May I add the right thing.

    Under that concept, he would have been your friend before the change, but he may not be your friend now.

    Dave, I was his friend after he changed. I only know him one way, as she does not.

    Schne_Belly....I feel for him too. I tried to let him know that.

    Forget it find new friends

    Good Point.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Using the phrase "not tattling"...still doesn't make it right. I am not a child and I did not feel the need to run to him and tell on her. It would have been childish. Plain and simple.

    I agree wholeheartedly. My phrase was meant to show his possible reasoning, not to say that you should have felt obligated to tattle. In otherwords, he's being a jerk to expect you to do something like that if that's why he's pissed off.


  • whyamihere

    Butt....Yeah, I will give him some time. I can see the Backstabbing part. Yet, it is just another excuse to direct his anger at me. I still find it very childish.

    Hell, When my Sisters husband cheated on her, I was still kind and respectful. I treated him like an adult, as well as a Human. My mother ever made him a dinner, because he was looking poorly.

    I have always been one to set aside personal feelings, and go on with life.


  • ButtLight
    I have always been one to set aside personal feelings, and go on with life.

    I do too, after I throw my short fit, I get over it!!! lol

  • Golf

    Whamihere? I respect people when they mind their own business. You did the right and correct thing. I don't not get involved in people's affairs, period. People of this type like to blame others for their immature behaviour.

    I wouldn't lose sleep over this incident. As you said,"I think he needs to grow up."

    I have many acquaintances, friends, hmmmmmmmmmm, my wife!


  • LittleToe

    I agree with Dave - the guy changed, and is probably still trying to find himself. It's probably mixed up with a pile of indecision and regrets. He lashed out, which I guess proves (unsurprisingly) that he's human. It's fairly hard to judge someone dispassionately when they are in that kind of state. They often don't know themselves, far less the true consequences of their actions.

    As you already know, it's not about you, so try to just shrug it off. If he has the maturity to apologise at a future date then by all means be there for him, if you feel like it.

    It's not nice being landed with someone else's angst, but that's life, take it or leave it...

    It doesn't sound like you've gone meddling, though. From what you say it sounds like you handled it right. Just try not to let it leave you with any residual negativity. You simply don't need it.

  • lonelysheep

    I believe I know who this is about. (((hugs to you if you read this)))

    Brooke, I feel as if you did nothing wrong by keeping your mouth shut. You have a relationship with everyone involved and cannot do anything but remain neutral to all. It doesn't really matter who she's dating, it probably hurts him no matter what. It could be a signal that their marriage is really over. You shouldn't be treated poorly, though.

    I am separated and will be filing for divorce if he doesn't do so first. I'm the one who's changed (for the better) and I know we both need to move on. Some move on before others.

    It's just a stressful period that may last a while. I hope he comes around in time and sees that you never had any bad intentions toward him.

  • Es

    Hey hun, no i dont think you have done the wrong thing at all, but i also think his hurting alot, take it from me when you seperate from someone, even when its a mutual decision, and you know its for the best, it still hurts like hell. Just give him some time and see what happens.

    Your a great person and you have nothing to worry bout in this instance


  • Country_Woman

    seems to be normal for some men...

    When I divorced (25 years ago- he dumped me) our friends told me: we are not involved in your divorcing - we are friends of both of you - and will see both of you. which I accepted as normal. Since they were no party in it,

    But my ex did'nt: he demanded them to not see me anymore. On which they decided (after a few intermezzo's) that they would'nt see him anymore. They are still my best friends........

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