Question for you JW's or non JW's about 1935?

by Brutus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brutus

    How do you prove from the Bible that 1935 was the year that the selection to heaven stopped due to being filled?

  • Fredhall

    We are not saying that the selection stopped in 1935. It was around 1935 that more attention was given to the great crowd.

  • Brutus

    So your saying that in the JW Bible it does not indicate that in 1935 the door to heaven was shut?

  • Fredhall

    Anyone who is now annointed can break that seal.

  • larc


    I think you are weak on your understanding of your own religion. A person doesn't have the power to break the seal. That is up to God. The only way someone can be a member of the remnant is when an existing member becomes unfaithful

  • nytelecom1

    no fred is right

  • ozziepost

    Freddy dear,
    It was around 1935 that more attention was given to the great crowd.
    Please tell us, "more attention was given" by whom?

    BTW when you say "We are not saying that the selection stopped in 1935" who is the WE ?


    "Evil is the absence of empathy"
    Movie (2000), Nuremberg

  • blondie

    It would be interesting to see the stats from 1922 to 1935 of the number of active witnesses to see if the number 144,000 was soon to be overtaken and so an explanation had to be given (there had to be a few from the first century after all).

    Actually, Russell said the general call for the anointed ended in 1881 and only replacements were being found after that.

    I wonder when Rutherford came in (1882?)...he must have been a replacement.

  • joelbear


    I checked that once at someone's website. If I remember correctly, the number of partakers peaked around 50,000 or so.

  • blondie

    Thanks, Joel..and probably at the rate it had been increasing 144,000 would soon be overtaken...the so-called nonanointed (no great crowd yet) those who didn't feel they had the call had to be specifically invited to the convention in 1935. I think it wasn't until 1938 until the great crowd was invited to the memorial. And it was some time before a nonanointed brother could be appointed an elder. My sources say there were a few hurt feelings among the anointed ones when the great crowd started streaming in and taking over things...

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