You cannot live forever in paradise on earth

by Gopher 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher

    The Watchtower Society has, for about seven decades, been attracting new ‘volunteer workers’ for its ‘field ministry’ with the promise of life forever on a paradise earth. Even the titles of its main study books since 1968 bear the promise: “The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life”, “You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth”, and “Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life”.

    How logical is this hope that leads people to entrust the Watchtower with their time, energy and worldly possessions?

    Examine the premise that the earth will become a paradise where people will live forever. It sounds so good on the surface! Let’s define “paradise” as a world without evil people and where harm comes to nobody.

    Does the phrase ‘paradise earth’ appear anywhere in the Bible? The Watchtower teaches the idea, citing Psalms 37:29 where the righteous possess the ‘earth’ and live in it ‘forever’. Other translations, however, use ‘the land’ instead of earth, and ‘time indefinite’ instead of ‘forever’. Such translations make it appear that this verse applied to the restoration of the Hebrews to their own land, to dominate over it for an unspecified period of time. Anyhow, it is arbitrary to say that Psalms 37:29 MUST apply to a paradise earth. Other verses such as Matthew 5:5 speak of the righteous inheriting the earth, but again no paradise is mentioned. Revelation 21 speaks of ‘death being no more’, but again no paradise is mentioned. Anyone who gets paradise earth out of Revelation 21 is reading more into it than is there.

    Would a paradise earth where people live forever be physically possible or emotionally satisfying? Jesus is recorded as saying ‘the road to destruction is broad, … whereas cramped is the road and narrow the gate leading to [everlasting] life’. The Watchtower responds to that verse by teaching that Armageddon will wipe out most of the people you see on earth today. Is the prospect of forever serving a God who is said to love mankind but anxious to wipe out the majority a cheerful one? Would you be relaxed in such a ‘paradise’, or nervous about getting on this God’s bad side?

    Then consider this. What happens if the earth (in such a paradise) reaches the point of overpopulation, meaning there are not enough food and other resources available for continued growth? The Genesis account says that the first humans were told to ‘fill the earth’. What would happen once it is filled?

    There are three possibilities, all of which are speculation and nowhere mentioned in the Bible. (Remember, God, I mean the Watchtower, doesn’t want us to speculate too much on the conditions in paradise.) God gives new laws restricting or prohibiting procreation. This means that there would be no more children, not to mention the major change in adult relationships. Is this anyone’s idea of emotional satisfaction? The Bible, in its book of Psalms, says that God would give to all the desires of their hearts (someday), so this idea is in conflict with the Bible’s own definition of paradise. God will put a halt to the natural procreation process. So people would go on getting married and having adult relationships, but God would make it impossible to conceive more children.

    God will transport the excess residents of paradise to a new earthlike planet elsewhere in the universe. The Watchtower actually speculated about this in one of its publications used in the Congregation Book Study about 20 years ago. This is the most interesting possibility. If living forever would make it necessary to move some people to another planet, that would contradict the idea that the righteous would live forever ON EARTH. Since heaven is defined as anyplace beyond earth’s atmosphere, by definition any other planet would be ‘in heaven’ in relation to earth, where all the issues raised in the Bible are supposed to be settled.

    It seems the idea of living forever in paradise on earth has no solid Biblical support, and it also is physically impossible and would be ultimately be emotionally unsatisfying.

  • startingover

    Good one Gopher

  • SPAZnik

    No *wunder* they alwayz said not to "speculate"


  • Honesty

    Does this mean the dubs will not be playing with pretty tigers and bears?

  • Clam

    I imagine the new order to be similar to the future world scenario in H.G. Wells’ Time Machine. Walking on the surface are perpetually young and beautiful people who have a glazed looks on their faces. Then at dusk a siren goes off which has them all walking off trance like to caves which go deep into the earth’s crust. Here the real chosen ones, eg overseers, GB members, super-elders, grab a few of the “beautiful people” and take them off to be eaten.

    The cannibalism would thus keep down the population while providing a balanced nutritious meal for the brothers.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good thread gopher, very logical reasoning, though if you are right then there will be some very disappointed dubs out there. Many of them thought they were gonna live in stately homes and palaces in the new system

  • Dansk

    Hi Gopher,

    This is an excellent post. A wonderful one to get one thinking so early in 2006!

    It seems the idea of living forever in paradise on earth has no solid Biblical support, and it also is physically impossible and would be ultimately be emotionally unsatisfying.

    I agree entirely, but from a "different" perspective. If we take Buddhism, which is often said to be more akin to Jesus' teachings than is given credit these days, it is IMPOSSIBLE to live forever on paradise earth because no such panacea can possibly exist. The reason for this was deduced by Buddha (meaning 'fully enlightened one') through his realisation that EVERYTHING is suffering! I have recently comprehended that statement more fully than at any other time in my life. Living is suffering, or 'Dukkha'! There will ALWAYS be suffering on earth. The only way to end suffering is for every sentient creature to personally experience 'Nirvana' or full enlightenment - but that will still leave the earth to continue with suffering taking place on it. Sentient creatures will forever be produced!

    It sounds harsh, but it is truth. Evolution will go on for eternity, meaning more creatures will suffer (this doesn't mean evolution is responsible for suffering, I'm merely saying that because life will forever continue somewhere in the universe there will ALWAYS be suffering). We have to face facts: There will always be births, old age, sickness and death. It is comforting to many people to believe such suffering will end, but it just isn't realistic. We have to accept that LIFE IS SUFFERING! Everything is temporary. A wonderfully ecstatic moment is only transitory. Our happiness now can be robbed just a moment later. Life is fleeting. When we can accept that - FULLY accept that - we can move on with our lives and really start to live. As the Tibetans say: "This life is to prepare us for our deaths." It isn't a morbid statement. It is profoundly enlightening because we really can do something to make sure we can end rebirth or at least be reborn into a better life next time (again, only temporary, I'm afraid).

    Get rid of fear and freedom is felt in its place. Fear, with its elements of clinging hold us to Samsara, the wheel of forever becoming!

    As I said, this is a tremendous post - but not everyone will fully appreciate its truth.


  • geevee

    I enjoyed the logic used in your post Gopher. My mother-in-law told me on Sunday that we'll [the wife , the kids and I] be back [in the "truth"] dont you want to live with us in the new system? I know she means well, but really, I had a hard time agape-ing everyone as it was, let alone being forced to live with them for eternity!!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    The question about over population of the earth was asked many years ago. The answer was that eventually procreation would stop when the earth was comfortably filled. I can remember at witness weddings, during the vows the speaker would use the words "forever, or until the divine termination of the marital arrangement." Does anyone else remember?

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    We were always made to feel that "common sense" indicated that humans were meant to live on earth. And of course they are right: who wants to die? But common sense also shows that death is innate to nature (as is the killing each other of creatures for food). There is little physical difference between humans and apes.
    Speculation as to what "sanctuary" will actually entail seems indeed futile - the org was right there, and they were wise not to speculate too much when it came to this subject, as they must have sensed the inherent weakness of the premise. I have noticed that some exjdub Christians do speculate that somehow there will be a possibility to move freely between heaven and earth.
    Could anyone BTW comment on Jesus' use of the term in Luke 23:43: "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise"?

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