Funchback: “Extreme Makeover: Earth Edition”? LOL! Does Sears have enough appliances for everyone?
Darth YHWH: What happens when the sun uses up all its fuel? The inhabitants of the ‘paradise new earth’ will have to wait on Jehovah! Maybe he’ll put all earth’s creatures into a temporary deep and then take the sun to a celestial fuel station to recharge it for another million years or so. After all, Jehovah can do anything when he wants to (even though he hasn’t done much about humanity’s crises lately).
Peacefulpete: Thanks for that clarification on the Jewish teachings of heaven. I bought into the Society’s distortion that the first-century Jews only knew of an earthly kingdom.
Sunspot: It takes a while to decompress from all the teachings the Watchtower crammed into our brain over the years. The paradise hope was implanted in me from a very young age, along with the thought that I would NEVER pass away because the end was so near. It’s taken a while to come to grips with the reality of our temporary existence.
HoChiMin: It’ll take twice as long to get that equivalent of a college education reading Awake, seeing that the magazine is now only published monthly!