The 144,000 and what makes them tick.

by Clam 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Clam

    I havent been to a KH since I was a teenager and was always intrigued by the 144,000 and that some supposedly resided in my congregation.

    Questions about them were inevitably met with ambiguous answers. "They just know they are" was a favourite reply when I asked how these "anointed ones" received their calling. Has anyone known any JWs who reckon they're in the 144,000 club, and what makes them think they are?

    BTW are there any ex JWs on here who thought themeselves at one time to be of the 144,000?

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Most of the ones I knew, in fact all of them, were a bit "off".

    I think they had mental health problems. Maybe from sniffing too much window cleaner or floor scrubbing compound?

  • Honesty

    My 40? year-old ex SIL is one of the Watchtower 'annointed'. Her main claim to fame is her shunning policy. If she thinks you are weak or bad association you are marked for perpetual shunning. This woman believes that one day she is going to get raptured up to Jesus so she can do more than just shun those she despises.

  • Ellie

    I was about 10 years old when I asked an older sister that question, she explained it this way, "Well, its like boys and girls, boys know they are boys and girls know they are girls, so the 144,000 know who they are".

    I still don't get it.

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    "BTW are there any ex JWs on here who thought themeselves at one time to be of the 144,000?"
    You'd be surprised at the "great multitude" of exjdubs who have had some kind of "anointing experience," CAUSING them to actually LEAVE the org - or had such an experience AFTER leaving.
    If you are really interested in this subject, there are one or two threads in the last couple of weeks that deal extensively with this - I gather there have been many more in the past. Check it out.
    (BTW, you were not the only one who was met by a big silence when popping the question. So was I at the time. IMO you can expect a lot more enlightenment in this fascinating phenomenon/subject on JWD.)

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    hello...I'm one of those that the brother was talking about who became annointed and then left. I was a witness for 26 years. Became annointed 5 years ago then dropped out this last year. I'm sure it's very different with everyone but with me I was understanding through some of my music that I have that God was telling me I was annointed.

  • Spectrum

    Star Moore,
    " Became annointed 5 years ago then dropped out this last year. I'm sure it's very different with everyone but with me I was understanding through some of my music that I have that God was telling me I was annointed."

    Where exactly was this music emanating from?!!

  • Kaput
    Where exactly was this music emanating from?!!

    From an elevator that was going up.

  • Spectrum

    "From an elevator that was going up."

    LOL. He didn't quite make it then.

  • IronClaw

    The next time you talk to an annointed one ask them to explain Mattew 8:11 and Hebrews 11:13-16. Have fun.

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