Oh PMJ. You know I won't choose sides here. You're still searching for ansewrs and thats okay.
You've got a long ways to go, my friend.
by PMJ 60 Replies latest watchtower bible
Oh PMJ. You know I won't choose sides here. You're still searching for ansewrs and thats okay.
You've got a long ways to go, my friend.
LOL! I just called the Society office number that someone just posted and the lady was more than welcome to ansewr my question when I told her I had one and then suddenly when I slammed her with the UN question suddenly "calls we backing up" and she was simply the "switchboard operator" and that I should call back in the morning.
I rest my case.
I believe they would not answer you. They would say I need to look into this and then they would leave ask their Elders and the Elders would say to them not to come back.
Maybe if I contact witness that I know personally, maybe they'll feel more obligated to return with some kind of BS answers. Probably the Library Card excuse.
LOL! I just called the Society office number that someone just posted and the lady was more than welcome to ansewr my question when I told her I had one ;and then suddenly when I slammed her with the UN question suddenly "calls we backing up" and she was simply the "switchboard operator" and that I should call back in the morning
.Do that I have had many brothers and sisters call the information desk and everytime they tell the truth that they joined. But then tell the lies as to why.
Seeing how PMJ is gone and not coming back (at least for now.) Almost an atheist would you please tell the rest of us what your father in law said?
Does anybody have an 800# for the Watchtower desk?
I have the information desk but it is not a 800 number (845) 306 1100
yeah, I cannot dial that number from work and I wanted to call right now. I'm searching for a toll free number.
I would like to write to the WT and ask them about their former UN status. Does anybody out there have a letter that they wrote and that I could kind of use as an outline or even copy, if you don't mind?
You can post it here or pm me or even email me at [email protected].