Actually in the early 1970's, I knew several men wearing beards in the hall. Some might remember 1975, the government was encouraging people to grow beards to celebrate the countries 200 years. That might have been a NW thing, but there were a lot of men in the hall with beards.
Beards are evil, but do you know why?
by free2beme 62 Replies latest jw friends
w68 5/1 qfr
When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
w68 5/1 qfr
When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
Beards are evil because they scratch delicate skin!!! And I never know how much food someone is carrying in there! It's kind of like a squirrel carrying around nuts in his jaws...cute, but doesn't feel that great to touch!
w68 5/1 qfr
When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
okay honestly. this is the worst interface for editing posts evar!!!1111
I remember times when my JW ex-husband would get fed up with the no beard rule and grow one anyway. It always through all the Elders into a tail spin and gossip flew he was spiritually weak. That one rule really burned him up. Actually he looked really great in a beard and it was a shame he couldn't keep one.
One time he got himself disfellowshipped and came to the memorial with a beautiful full beard, boy I heard about that for weeks. He was considered totally lost. He kept it too for 2 years until he decided to work toward reinstatement. After that the beards went away as he became a full fledged company man.
At Bethel one guy grew a beard. He was exiled to the auto/truck repair shop from the factory office. Out of sight. I do not recall if he eventaully shaved it off or left... It did raise the issue of wearing a beard as has been touched by prior comments
Another guy I had heard about, new guy comes in with a moustache. The floor overseer pulls him aside and shows a picture in a then recent magazine. The picture is of a "bad' person with a moustache, which in this elders mind, if you had a moustache you were "bad". Unless you were black. White /w moustache bad, black /w moustache okay....
Does anyone else remember that in the 'Creation' book, Adam was portrayed with a flat top?
My father still wears one to this day. That is, if he is still alive...
Darth Yhwh
I was never able to grow a beard while an active JDub. Now I really get a kick out of the fact that any JDub that lays eyes on me weather they know me or not will catigorize me as worldly based on my facial hair. Isn't that hilarious?