Stop following others!

by hibiscusfire 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finally-Free

    I used to be a people pleaser, but not anymore. Now it's all about ME!

    And I'm so much better off. I no longer have leeches sucking away my time and resources. I no longer have people calling me only when they want something, while conveniently forgetting that I exist when I'm in need.

    Is it lonely? A little. But I am rarely disappointed by people now.


  • LittleToe

    Who's being petty? I'm just sick of folks coming here and allegedly "evangelising" those hurt.

    Are you sure you're not just following the crowd in their attempts to snatch the exJWs for the fire?

  • katiekitten
    "If someone told you to jump over a cliff would you?"

    Oh yes, absolutely. I wouldnt want them not to like me would i?

    But then again if God said 'jump off a cliff' I prolly wouldnt cos im not a god pleaser. Or if he said tie your son to an alter and sacrifice him to me, it tell Him where to get off. If He said go and cut off a whole load of foreskins from that tribe cos theyre bad, I doubt id even bother trying. If He told me to build a huge boat and put a whole bunch of aminals in it I dont think I could be bothered. If he told me to send my daughter out to some men to get raped to death rather than send some weird visitors out, id send the visitors out as quick as look at em. Unless they said 'dont send us out'. Then id be in a quandry cos im a man pleaser.

  • hibiscusfire

    If you are easily influenced or controlled by others note that God doesn't want us to be that way.

    We must not let other people's opinions of us control what we do.

    God wants us to walk in love.

    We can't just do anything we want to.

    We can't just do anything whenever we want to.

    That is total disregard for people’s feelings!


  • Satanus


    Exactly, now stop pleasing people and imaginary gods and start being yourself. Let others be themselves too.


  • hibiscusfire

    Are you sure you're not just following the crowd in their attempts to snatch the exJWs for the fire? LT

    Nope, but are you trying to pick on me already?


  • hibiscusfire

    Is it lonely? A little. But I am rarely disappointed by people now.

    Ofcourse it's lonely. People always disappoint people. That doesn't mean you have to be non-caring.


  • LittleToe

    LOL @ KK

    You seem to be in a bit of a dilemma. If we give regard to people's feelings are we allowing ourselves to be easily influenced?

    Pick on you? No. But if I have to make a whip of cords for you to get the point, I'll gladly do so...

    Actually, given that KK is around, I might just do that anyhow

  • AlmostAtheist

    I'm a me pleaser. In trying to please myself, I find that others around me will contribute to my happiness if I contribute to theirs. So I usually make the first move and try to make those around me happy. Worst case, they're happy and they don't create any stress for me. Best case, they return the favor. I can't lose!

    I admit I had to chuckle when I saw that it was YOU that started this thread, Hib, since you are classicly following others. It's not necessarily a bad thing, plenty of people do it and seem ok as a result. But you follow God and Jesus, as you have them explained to you by the Bible, as that is explained by whoever translated the words, as that is explained by whoever interprets it.

    I'm sure you read the Bible yourself and draw your own conclusions from it -- unlike poor JW's that must accept whatever they are told to accept. But you are still a follower. (I'm sure you'd happily agree that you're a follower of God and Christ, as explained in various translations of the Bible.)

    That's why the thread struck me as humorously ironic.

    Can I say I'm laughing with you? (Or are you not laughing?)


  • hibiscusfire

    We hear remarks or comments that make us feel good, fine and excellent about ourselves…ONLY when we begin pleasing other people.

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