I must say the bible takes to prize, they are pretty creative, i mean a snake that is a devil talking to a naked woman trying to make her eat fruit, or how about a man who gets his strength through his hair (sampson i think) and an evil woman tricks him and cuts it off, anyone else feel like the bible is a good bedtime story, but now they left the borg find it hard to believe???
I've read some pretty imaginative Fairy Tales but....
by lucifer 23 Replies latest jw friends
The stories more often remind me of the fiary tales written by the brothers Grimm. You know, kids being eaten by bears, slaughtering all the firstborn, extreme punishments for being disobedient... all that good stuff.
i mean a snake that is a devil talking to a naked woman trying to make her eat fruit,
What a weird-ass snake! If I was talking to a naked woman it sure wouldn't be about fruit!
God becomes a lowly man to save his creation only to be killed by his creation.
I suppose we created airplanes and airplanes have a bad habit of killing their creator. -
I'm trying to think of some more a little larger than life moments in the bible...?
I've read and studied a lot of mythology and now just view the bible as jewish mythology. It's kind of funny though, when it comes down to it, the bible stories are rather boring in comparison. I think thats why the bible has held up though and why people still believe it.
people will believe anything for the sake of hope
I've read and studied a lot of mythology and now just view the bible as jewish mythology. It's kind of funny though, when it comes down to it, the bible stories are rather boring in comparison. I think thats why the bible has held up though and why people still believe it.
I've had the exact same thought. It retains some credibility just because it isnt as far out there as some mythology.
You don't consider Charlton Heston's parting of the Red Sea a little Larger Than Life?