What Sis.BrokenByBethel is Allowed to Do with her Overstocked Magazine Pile

by stillAwitness 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    The best way out is to give them away for recycling, those articles are not worth the ink they are written with. The recycled paper will hopefully be put to better use.

  • Elsewhere

    All of those JWs fail to realize they could sell them on eBay as bird cage and cat box liners!

    $$$ Cha-Ching $$$

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Here's a top ten list of all the places those magazines really go:

    10. Mentally Unstable Bible Stuides
    9. Calls that will take 20 magazines at once
    8. Left off at local laundromats in large number, then thrown away by the owner.
    7. Pioneers collect them, then distribute to local places of business who throw them away.
    6. Given to homeless people
    5. Leave one at every not at home.
    4. Droped off in some community box at the Kingdom hall, then eventually Garbage.
    3. Garbage
    2. They get water damage, then Garbage.
    1. They don't go anywhere, they just sit in the box.

  • Honesty

    I found a great way to place my overstocked WITCHTOWER and ASLEEP magazines. Its cold in the winter here and the literature makes good fireplace filler.

  • Spectre

    And whatever you do, DO NOT use them to embarrass the WTBTS by putting up old quotes on the internet.

  • stillAwitness

    And Survey Says.....

  • Saoirse

    And in this scripture we see this was just plain ol' bread so how much more so we shold cherish our spiritual food.

    This is what I did with all my leftovers:

  • Dune

    lol, i commented on that today. About how newcomers can use it for their personal libraries. Too bad they dont have bound volumes from the 60's and 70's.

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