Sudden family interest in our reasons why we are no longer JW's ...

by Curious Mind 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    I'm curious, just recently it seems that our family are intent on 'reasoning' or 'finding out' why we are no longer interested in being a JW. What seems strange is how we have been approached by relatives here and overseas with such a small time frame - which leads us to believe that there must be some impetous for this suddent 'interest' in us and our choice, which we made over 10 years ago ... Is it just us or does anyone out there know something, we suspect that something was raised at the recent district conventions, perhaps 'new light'!

    We are tempted to let them know the full reasons, but (ofcourse) we fear that this will lead to an allegaton of apostacy and our DF'g...

    Curious Mind

  • jwfacts

    I doubt there is an interest at the instigation of the DC, it is more of the same old info, no more emphasis that the end is coming than ever before. You can hope that they may be having doubts. You do not want to get into trouble by airing your ideas, so tread lightly and find out their real motives. Ask them questions about how they are feeling, going, how the hall is, what your old friends are up to, any recent information you may have missed. Get their guard down. If you work out that they are having doubts then start to let them in on a few ideas and see how they respond.

  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    Doubt they are really interested in our reasons for no longer having nothing to do with them or any other religion - I think they are trying to open the door and put us in a position that it all comes to a head. Lets face it we have been able to avoid what your going through for the last 10 years - perhaps it's crunch time. We really hope not, although since our move interstate 2 years ago the pressure has been off, but it is escalating ... Maybe we're paranoid...

  • Clam

    This is what they actually should be doing! When I stopped going to the KH I was really surprised no one came and asked me why. It helped me with the closure process because I realised these people had absolutely no interest in me. Or is it because the prodigal son had to come back by his own decision?

  • Benjamin Belial
    Benjamin Belial

    Nobody asked me why either, but I was 14 or 15. I'm sure they all just chattered that I was a kid and I was lured away by the worldly life. Despite the fact that I never really went out and acted in a worldly way(I've only had sex with one person, and I married her, I never went out and got drunk, went to parties, etc... I've always been very isolated and stayed to myself). Regardless, I'm sure that is how they explain it to each other. In all honesty though, I doubt I ever even got discussed enough. I was never really hit with the impression that any of them cared enough to bother wondering why I left.

  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    After 10 years its all a bit too little too late ... I'm yet to be convinced that it's genuine interest that propels the enquiry ... more like dirt gathering.


  • garybuss

    Hi Curious,

    Sometimes Witness relatives "use" us to get to our children.
    Are your relatives interested in your "motives", or do they have specific questions about specific subjects?

    If they are "after" your children, break contact.
    If they are inquiring about motives and "beliefs", break contact.
    If they have specifics questions, refer them, be skeptical.

    There is a purge going on here in the USA thinly disguised as reactivating inactive ones. It usually begins with a passive (friendly) inquisition, often initiated by relatives or old "friends".

  • Honesty

    All this is starting to make the Spanish Inquisition look like a midafternoon London tea party.

  • Sunnygal41
    There is a purge going on here in the USA thinly disguised as reactivating inactive ones. It usually begins with a passive (friendly) inquisition, often initiated by relatives or old "friends".

    I think Gary hit the nail on the head.........this downsizing at Bethel has riled alot of people up and the email that was posted on another thread regarding the system winding down has gotten the cult mentality all stirred up.........

  • bigmouth

    garybuss has replied to my experience of the same happening here after about 10 years! He's quite right I think. Be very sceptical and commit to nothing. Be vague. I'm waiting for my second visit. Regards Pete.

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