I just found an interesting Sumerian myth that I wanted to share.
The Watchtower claims that the cross was not used by ‘true Christians’ and is of pagan origins.( Watchtower 1989 May 1 p.26 “ It reveres a pagan symbol masquerading as Christian.”) It is incorrect that early Christians did not use the cross. What I find highly amusing is the concept that the cross is pagan, because a stake is more pagan than a cross.
The idea of Jesus dieing on a stake mimics the ancient Sumerian myth of Inanna. Inanna descended into the nether world. There she was turned into a corpse by the seven judges and “the corpse was hung from a stake” for three days and nights. After this she was resurrected by the instructions of Enki, the god of fertility. ( The Hero with a Thousand Faces , Joseph Campbell, 1973, See also Mythology A Visual Encylopedia , Jo Forty 1999) If the Watchtower Society wants to find pagan concepts in the death of Jesus they need look no further than their own teaching of a stake.
A stake or pole has as great a sexual connotation as the cross and significant pagan usage. In Christian times the phallus was represented by the pole shaped Obelisk of the Egyptians and Romans and the Hindu Lingam.