Does anyone have any links to sites that have all the evidence that the Arc and the Flood couldn't have happened? I'm debating someone who feels that Neandertal man was actually the Nephalim, which really I feel is quite laughable but I'll say (in typical JW fashion) whenever I'll bring up older specimens of early humans (i.e. homo-erectus) they'll undoubtedly say "that's not a full skull in this picture" when right next to it in the picture is a nearly full skull or next to that is a full skeleton...really annoying. Any links to full skulls and skeletons on the subject of early humans would be great as well.
Noah's Arc and the flood....
by Tuesday 21 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Tuesday, this is the best site.
Talkorigins is the best site for this sort of information. I would also recommend the book From Lucy To Language by Donald Johansen and Blake Edgar which contains dozens of lifesize colour photos of various hominid skulls and explanatory text.
Specifically, check out
This was the big one for me, once I saw that the flood didn't/couldn't/couldn't-have happened, it was an easy slide on out of JWism.
I have had the discussion many times and like to bring out that if the Neanderthal were the nephilim then they would have to have our DNA in them. I show them sites the prove the Nephilim did not share our DNA
London Student Issue 7 - futures DNA neanderthal
Using this technique the scientists analysed Neanderthal DNA and found no ...
The work with Neanderthal DNA is now thought to represent a cut-off point of ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages -
The "arc" of Noah is real....I see it often in the sky after it rains. ;) About early skeletons, there are some good books on this with pictures ("From Lucy to Language" is one), but I would ask your friend what is it about Neanderthal remains, in their physique or structure, that leads him to believe that they should be identified with the "Nephilim" of early Hebrew myth?
Leolaia has a good point the nephilim were big people the neanderthals where shorter than us but stockier looked nothing like the Nephilim of the bible.
This is the paper the entire theory is based on...
It actually uses the mitochondrial DNA as proof that they were the Nephelim, when I was pretty sure the Nephelim were supposedly the offspring of humans and angels. I don't see any credentials of this writer, it's really quite ridiculous. It's kinda like the evolution book in that there's a ton of research from books in it in the bibliography, it's just pulling one sentence here, one sentence there, putting some segway in between a part of a sentence to make sure it doesn't kill off the original thought. I think it's absurd; I have a feeling though I'm going to be arguing till I'm blue in the face making hundreds of valid points, quoting 4 or 5 scholars on the subject all to be countered by half a sentence in one book. There's some other people on this board that I'm debating, I basically just want them to be able to see it as a fraud too (which it seems they are; I just want to make sure it looks this way).
I am not an evolutionist but it is far fetched to identify the Neanderthal with the Nephilim giants, they were just a 100% human race that became extinct, despite what the evolutionists used to claim.
I would ask the Guy what about the two creation story's in the bible, Gen:1 and Gen:2, then ask him since modern reseach has proved that the Neanderthal lived before and during the same time as us. Could the bible have been talking about the Neaderthals at Gen: 1. Go get the Strongs Concordance of the bible and look up the two creations talked about in Gen:1, and Gen:2 you will see that they where not the same MAN, one literaly means human a man of color, the other in Gen:2 or Adam means white a man that can blush. Showing that the account is actually talking about two seperate Human creations. Ask if the bible is correct then why couldn't it be talking about the Neanderthals
This is where the PIG ASS White Suprermacist base thier relegion. They believe that Adams linage was the White race and given a higher position over the other Humans. What scares me is the fact the Bible does say this. The bible talks about the Bastard child not being able to worship with Gods chosen until the ten generation and for his chosen not to inter marry. A Bastard literally means according to the Strong's a child of mixed race not what we think of to day as a child from a man not married to it's mom.
This was one of the reason it started doubting the Bible in the first place. I can not worship a GOD that is a racist. The bible does support this conclusion.