Will you knock it off?
You plainly do not care in the least bit about the quality of the information you provide, the competence of those you quote, or the fact you have shown yourself incapable of responding to a critical analysis of your own beliefs.
You continue to quote websites that you've been shown are unreliable, often quote 'authorities' who have no real qualifications for subjects they claim expertise in (as they demonstrate), and say you will respond to things and then don't.
Every regular poster here knows this, and new posters realise it the first time they read a thread on evolution you take part in.
Have you no regard for your fellow human or respect for yourself?
I mean, http://naturalselection.0catch.com is STILL using the example of flagellum as being proof of ireducable complexity when this claim has been shown to be FALSE for YEARS, as the component parts of the flagellum DO have a independent use.
http://www.detectingdesign.com/earlyman.html is more trash; saying evolution is false because of fraud and mistake would, by the same standards, make Christianity false. Christianity has ALSO committed fraud and been in error.
If evolutionary theory didn't get better through time, it would be an atypical field of knowledge. Saying it is false because it improves and refines itself is like saying today's cars are false because they are improved and refined compared to those made even ten years ago.
And isn't it funny how all these sites you reference pretend that the molecular revolution of the past decade never happened? Isn't it funny how they don't mention how 9 times out of 10 the cladistic relationships (based on bones) are shown to be correct by molecular evidence? How all the various dating methods fit together far too well to be coincidental?
Could it be they are relying upon the (arguably) willful ignorance of those who just want their previously held opinion confirmed, who won't be up-to-date with the latest of sceince, and who will be ignorant as to the information deliberately or incompetently concealed from them by people they think they can trust?
If you spent as much time reading real science articles as you did looking for people who are as misinformed as you and happen to agree with you, you'd not deceive people with bad information as you do here every single week.