Hello, I am new to this board, I am not a jehovahs witness however I studied with them for years, I went out into service a couple of times, but I havent done anything in 4 years. I am so confused. I always have been scared of the last days thing, but I could never accept the fact that while I was in the meetings, my husband and parents were all at home and the witnesses would tell me that unless they changed and started coming to the meetings that they would be killed! I also remember being told that when I was in my last marriage, my husband was very abusive, they would tell me that I couldnt leave him except if he cheated on me, it was horrible, I was also told not to go to college because I needed to focus on going out in service because the end was near. so I didnt go to college and I didnt encourage my children to either until the last 4 years. I have gone back to school and encourage my children to go as well. I only wish I would have started earlier. 3 years ago I found my birth mother, ( I was adopted at birth) I found out I was of native american decent, I have always had a calling to it and I have been searching to learn all I can, but now the tribes are talking of a sort of gathering an armagedon, and that we are in the last days and now I am rethinking everything. Also, I have always had some psyhic abilities, I was told that those are demons telling me things and that scared me to death! I would pray please Jehovah let them leave me alone.
I was introduced to the witnesses when I was 17, I am 36 now. I always believed most of what they taught, except my ex husbands family was JW and I remember how they treated me and how they never did anything when he would beat me up, I remember siting in sunday meetings and his brother would be talking about how after the meeting he was inviteing all his JW friends over and they would have a tequila party. His Jw family members were all drunks, child abusers, wife abusers and no one ever said a thing, I even told the elders about this all and nothing. so you see, I am a mess and in need of some really good advice. I really like this site and enjoy reading all the posts. thanks