Can a divorcee remarry scripturally?

by rootofallevil 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • deeskis
    it has OPENED my eyes!. I feel like I was tricked into this religion - since 1975.

    I would like to say THANKS to all who post on this forum. The information has been extremely valuable. I have shared everything that I have read with my best freind who also has OPENED his eyes and my family, wife and son who are more and more accepting all this.

    join the club!, and welcome to the forum. although i left the witnesses many years ago, i came across this discussion site by chance some weeks ago and have found some great information and support.

    best wishes


  • rootofallevil

    LT and Earnest,

    This is the point.

    If the vow has been dissolved by husband or wife - for any reason except porneia, why should the other party still be obligated to honor it?

    Where does God's undeserved kindness kick in?

  • LittleToe

    What is "marriage"?

    • A piece of paper?
    • Financial provision for another?
    • Living under the same roof?
    • Sharing the same bed?

    To add a personal note: My marriage dissolved long before I left her with the marital home (I felt morally obliged to keep a roof over her head, at that point). Who separated from whom, when alienation of affection was already well established before I left, and my affection continued unabated?

    What is a "divorce"?

    • A piece of paper?
    • Cessation of financial provision for another?
    • No longer living under the same roof?
    • No longer sharing the same bed?

    I take it that we are setting aside the legal requirements of the lands in which we live (though this should be a factor). Are we really retaining ancient Judaic customs and enshrining them in moral law? Does Paul need to be ignored?

    What is the purpose of "marriage"?

    • Financial and emotional security for two people?
    • An opportunity to have kids and fulfil the "creation" mandate?
    • An ante-type of the union of God with His people / Christ to his bride?

    Methinks there's a danger of overthinking it and screwing ourselves up over things like this. In the case of those raised in a moralistic, legalistic society (or a cult), seeing the wood for the trees becomes even more difficult because our emotions, internal triggers, and "trained conscience" impose their own restrictions on us. We have had our minds literally trained and encoded with a set of principles, and sometimes when we do things because they "feel" right, it's merely because of that.

    If one party no longer treats the other as their spouse with all that this entails, then IMHO a divorce has already occured, with or without a piece of paper!

    The law of the land acknowledges this, by considering a wide range of reasons to establish such a divorce. Which is the more moral? Which is the more compassionate? Which is the more Christ-like?

  • Sheepish
    If one party no longer treats the other as their spouse with all that this entails, then IMHO a divorce has already occured, with or without a piece of paper

    Well that is the crux (pun intended) of the situation then isn't it? If it is a peice of paper from the state, then what real value has it? The value of a drivers license no doubt. But if it is a sacred union, gone into by deep committment through vows before a living God (who set the institution up to begin with) then whatever person comes along with an opinion can't really change the significance of it.

    It seems like most people today go into marriage thinking of it as a driver's licence type deal. If one is a believer it is different.Different guidelines.Not to be gone into lightly for obvious reasons.

  • LittleToe

    Sheepish:And yet the subject isn't marriage and/or whether or not a couple goes into it with good motives. The questions concerns divorce.

    At one level the two cannot be divorced (the pun was unavoidable - sorry), but at another, it should be stated that a divorce doesn't necessarily attach any significance to the seriousness, spirituality, or trustworthiness of the divorcee.

    Shyte happens even to good people.

    PS. The piece of paper referred to in your quote was the divorce paper, not the marriage certificate.

  • Earnest
    What is "marriage"?
    • A piece of paper?
    • Financial provision for another?
    • Living under the same roof?
    • Sharing the same bed?

    A mutual vow to remain "one flesh" whether or not you live under the same roof, share the same bed, provide financially or even have a piece of paper.

    Are we really retaining ancient Judaic customs and enshrining them in moral law? Does Paul need to be ignored?

    Does Jesus need to be ignored? And yet the argument that "God has called you to peace" in 1 Cor.7:15 is very convincing. It seems to allow divorce for reasons other than porneia but whether or not it allows remarriage is unclear to me.


  • LittleToe

    So far, so good. We agree.

    Shall we discuss 1Cor.7:15?

    NWT But if the unbelieving one proceeds to depart, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not in servitude under such circumstances, but God has called YOU to peace.
    KJV But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.
    NIV But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.

    Some of the key words from Strongs:

    • Depart - Chorizo - to place room between, that is, part; reflexively to go away: - depart, put asunder, separate.
  • Bound - Douloo - to enslave (literally or figuratively): - bring into (be under) bondage, X given, become (make) servant.
  • Peace - Eirene - by implication prosperity: - one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one again.
  • Some of the key questions resulting from the passage:

    1. What does it mean to depart?
    2. What does it mean to be bound?
    3. What does it mean to be not bound?
    4. What does it mean to be called to peace?
  • reaper

    The Society still do not allow a Divorce except on the grounds of Pornei, which is interpreted by them as ANY SEXUAL ACT with ANY other person of either sex.

    So oral sex, homosexualality, bestiality or any other sexual act is grounds for a Divorce. I know this is the case, as I was an Elder for many years, and had to learn all of this stuff at Elders Schools.

    They were more interested in Legalities than the Grace of God.

    I know a Guy who married and they were both JWs, after a few weeks she left him and moved back home. He could not get a Divorce and stayed with the Cult because he was too proud to let her have her own way.

    Thankfully after we left, we managed to get him to see he was wasting his life, and eventually he left the cult and is now at Univesity studying Medicince.

    He is also going ahead with a Divorce and now has a Bulgarian Girlfriend.

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