Who had the privilage of starting the 5000th page? You have the seal.
If we work out the rate at which we cover 1000 pages starting from page 607, accommodate 20 missing pages and measure a pyramid or two, we can accurately date the appearance of the 6000 page. Before the 6000 page finishes many of you good people here will apostasise and return to JWism. There will be signs in the servers, routers and web browers and then end will come. Then there will be 1000 pages of peace where millions of lurkers will have the chance to become active.
5000th------->6000th page - be aware be very aware
by Spectrum 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Behold, a false prophet and a blasphemer:
Before the 6000 page finishes many of you good people here will apostasise and return to JWism.
Stone him!!!
Spectrum you deserve to be called the cyberspace Charles Russell. Or perhaps cyberspace Nelson Barfour since he is the real source of the 1914 date, however much the dubbies refuse to admit this.
Somewhere between pages 5900 and 6000, your words will become "old light", and any continued belief in said words would constitute apostasy. Be forewarned so that you may keep in step with Jehovah's duly appointed Faithful Page Slave!
Please, please, NOBODY say that the 6.000th page is "just around the corner"! We do want to get there eventually!Repant, all you pants-less sinners!
"just around the corner"!
I like to think of JW's as a large mob, chasing along behind a short Napoleaonic figure on a horse. The horseman is trotting around a huge cylinder, shouting over his shoulder "Follow me brothers, it's just around the corner!"
lol @ Spectrum
You can't acurately measure a pyramid because the outer layer of smooth stone that the Egyptians put on it has fallen away. So todays pyramid is actually a little smaller than it was originally so any dates based on its measurements will be in inaccurate.
How's that, do I sound like a loon?
Who had the privilage of starting the 5000th page? You have the seal.
I believe that was me
I'm going to keep a detailed record of this topic so when we reach the 10,000th page none of you will be able to deny that the end was supposed to come at 6000