I'd come to know about the truth thru my long distanced relatives. At an early age, 14 or so, I'd met a young lady I came to be romantically attracted to. We dated for about a month. She took me to meet her mother. When her mother inquired as to who I was, she thereafter asked, " Is your father, such and such a ______?" , I said " yes he is, how did you know?
There went down the drain my new girlfriend, as we were half cousins. Her mother, I'd come to find was my father's half sister. Her mother was a devout Jehovah's Witness, and there began my introduction into the truth.
I wrestled with many of the trappings of being a teen, the bloom of youth, peer pressure and the like, so coming up in the truth, without anyone else in my immediate family in it was difficult to stomach. My father used to go to the KH when we were children, but I never knew what a KH was during those days. He used to study with the witnesses when we were younger. I never put the two together until I became a teenager and would see that same little dark blue book with the craxy title. "The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life ".
I guess in an off handed way, out of seeking affection and trying to display loyalty to a father I was never close to, I went seeking out this religion that he was so immersed in at one time in his life. Having peeked in thru the curtain of the witness life, I was thrilled as a young teen who believed he'd found all those who had the answer to all the tough questions about life. Why we were here, what happens to us when we die. What I could look forward to in life. What it was that the future held for me as well all mankind.
It would take me 17 years, a nervous breakdown at 18, a waste of time thinking I was doomed for destruction because I couldn't get it together, walking in the darkness of what I was told the world was, before I would finally get it together long enough to get my life to a point where, maybe, I could even begin to serve Jehovah. The time spent in the world led me to believe that I'd sinned beyond God's ability to save me.
Learned at 14. Floundered outside in the world until 1990 or so. Baptised in 1991. Vanished in 1993.