ok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being God and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ 127 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm so bored with your posts!!! You just post to stir things up and it always works, if YOU believed you had the truth you would not be here!! You just like controversy. The GREAT thing about you being here is some of the replies to your posts have really proved to me that the JWs are whitewashed graves, rotten to the core. So keep posting, you are a fab apostate,
There's none so blind as will not see.
The past performance demonstrates the current and future pattern. If the WTS had demonstrated an ability to change, we might have a different opinion. Alas it has not, and continues to hurt thousands...
if your so bored with my post why didnt you just ignore it?or is it that you love contraversy?
what im saying is people seem to leave for diffrent reasons.some leave because they say 1914 is wrong.some leave because of the UN thing.some leave because they say they dont agree with DS.some say its because there is no love.what im saying is to me this is just peoples personal reasons for leaving then they come on this site for anything else they can hang on to to prove the wittnesses wrong.if the wittnesses beleave 1914 is right then there not lieing to you thats what they beleave you have just made your personal chouise it isnt right
You know, I believe in the KISS method of religion. Keep It Simple Stupid. Even Jesus made it simple for us,
"Love one another as I have loved you". This is my problem with the teachings of the WTS. The Bible is
not a complex book for us to try to figure out the dates, etc. It is a guide for good living. The Truth? Even
Jesus told us that "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He who believes in me will have life everlasting."
That is the truth that I adhere to.
Your comments, pmj ?
thank you for that and i tottaly agree and i can honestly say i all ways put people before my self.and i love encourging people.and i try my best to please God.and i will agree not every one in the kingdom hall shows enough love.but this wouldnt stop me sering jehovah.because people are people there will all ways be some you get along with some you dont.
In fact many people on this board love controversy and heated debate because they liven things up. When trolls (which PMJ is not) appear their threads get very long.
The JWs have been saying that Armageddon will come since 1880, and it still hasn't come, even the literal generation, 70-80 years in length, concept was discarded as wrong. Now they say that it's a figurative generation and that could be 200 years or more.
Also most Christian religions believe in the second coming of Christ though they don't set dates for it. -
Answer me this do you believe that we are not to have Blood transfusion? Tell me quick becasue I want to watch the Foot ball game
You know, I believe in the KISS method of religion. Keep It Simple Stupid. Even Jesus made it simple for us,
"Love one another as I have loved you". This is my problem with the teachings of the WTS. The Bible is
not a complex book for us to try to figure out the dates, etc. It is a guide for good living. The Truth? Even
Jesus told us that "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He who believes in me will have life everlasting."
That is the truth that I adhere to.
Your comments, pmj ?
I think they just follow this KISS method exactly. One of the reasons why I am leaving probably