Hi All,
I have gotten a little mean in my old age. My sister-in-law is a born again Church of God life time member and sometimes is a little dogmatic. I love to point out fallacies in her religious thinking.
This might have been a little unfeeling on my part but she was talking to my wife about a tragic happening in her life 26 years ago. Her only child died a few days after birth. She was recalling what a friend had told her when it happened. She said, well you can have another child and that will help overcome you grief. She said how could anyone think like that?
I said, well that's the way God thinks. Remember Job? God let all his children be killed and by giving him more children he was considered blessed. And that was just to prove to the devil that someone would worship him without being bribed by wealth and children. She didn't have an answer.
Ken P.