Comment to Fundie Sister-in-law

by Undecided 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Rex B13, you is a funny man! Regarding fundies you say

    "You will not find any less variety there than any other group, just much less psycholgical problems and disfunctional personalities."

    Pah! Humbug! If you're gonna make silly statements, try a little harder. That one's too silly to even bother countering.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Do you happen to know the difference between an immortal soul and a resurrected person? Our immortal soul is not a completion, it is disembodied and will receive the spiritual body at the time of the rapture. The Jews understood this, JWs never have.
    I fight against death because my Lord has not brought me home yet. He has me here for a purpose. This existence is the best that the 'lost' can ever hope to have, and, it is the worst a saved person can have.
    We do often talk and pray for the rapture, or for us to be taken home when God's will is such.
    It stands to reason that God in His mercy would not hold to account anyone who has no ability to grasp the idea of who Christ really is. A retarded person is another example and there are many more. Those children who have died are all home and with God as are the others who are not held accountable. BTW, read John 8.24 in any Bible except the NWT. To be saved you must know Jesus as "I am" or God.
    BTW, 'doubts' and turmoil are evidence of our sinful nature.

  • joelbear

    What is a spiritual body?

    Do aborted babies go to heaven?

  • bboyneko
    Job knew that his dead loved ones had been called home to paradise

    God bless hitler! he sent so many people out of the suffering of this miserable world and to the unimaginable joy that is heaven! I think I will follow in his exqample and go slaughter people, after all, they will all go to heaven and be much happier. I may go to hell or whatever, but I have sacrificed my place in heaven in order to bring much happiness!

    Why be so upset at suicides? They were obviously very depressed but now they are happy in heaven. I sure hope all my loved ones get killed and or commit suicide soon.


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I wasn't demeaning my sister-in-law when I called her a fundie, she is really a good person and doesn't push her religion on me, she knows better than to try that. I actually have attended her church to see for my self what type of people are there and how they view religion. I have concluded that different churches attract similar segments of the community. Most members will be from the same society.
    (A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture)

    She doesn't get angry when I tell her that it's bunch of crap(all religious dogma). She says God will have to reveal it to me. I'm waiting?

    Ken P.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    >She says God will have to reveal it to me. I'm waiting?

    She has a point there, Ken. Your first step is to forget everything the Borg told you about other denominations. That is a real pile of crap.
    Are you as amused as I am by the various riff-raff who chime in with insults directed at anyone with faith? I can always count on butterBoynenko, who probably fantasizes about spending a night with his hero, Alan F.

  • jonjonsimons

    You said: "You really blew it, Ken."

    And you also said: "Before you go making a fool of yourself again with a born-again Christian, you need to actually see what they believe and WHY they believe it!"

    And then you also said: "Are you as amused as I am by the various riff-raff who chime in with insults directed at anyone with faith? I can always count on butterBoynenko, who probably fantasizes about spending a night with his hero, Alan F."

    How very pompous of you! Practice what you preach Rex. If you're going to dish out insults to those of us who don't agree with your belief system, then you should be prepared to take what is thrown back at you.


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