Well today I was having lunch with my mother, who is inactive, and hasn't been to the Hall in a couple of years. Recently she's been hounded by the elders, because of all of the Christmas decorations. Even though she hasn't Disassociated herself, and she won't because she doesn't want to alienate herself from her family, she attends another church. The elders confronted her about all of that, but she wouldn't say anything to incriminate herself.
Overall I told her that I was proud of her decision. I don't want her to alienate herself from her family, although I made that choice for myself. And I feel that she handled herself the best way she could. The elders didn't really have anything to go on, so hopefully they won't push anything.
Toward the end of the meal, I made mention of how I wanted to talk with other people about my experience being a JW. I said something about how interesting of conversation starter it is to tell people that I was raised in a cult....
She replied, "there you go off the deep end, calling it a cult."
You could have knocked me over with a feather. I almost expected her to call it the "truth". My mother has read COC, ISOCF, and Combatting Cult Mind Control (or so I thought), and she refused to call it a cult. She labelled a cult, a group like Jim Jones, or the Branch Davidians, and not the Watchtower. Eventually it lead to an all out argument, and she was very, very, very upset. She felt that the definintion of a cult was up to personal interpetation. Because she feels the Watchtower is not, thus isn't.
I found my copy of Combatting Cult Mind Control, and highlighted some chapters. I also brought up a few more books about cults that feature Jehovah's Witnessess, and left that for her. I really thought she had come to terms with what the Watchtower really is. She read the same information that I have. But now I'm starting to see certain patterns. In a way, she's almost a JW apologist.
In the end, I didn't apologize- I don't whenever I'm in the wrong. I told her to research and back up her view, and I would apologize. Instead I'm in the middle of pulling a ton of research. She'll have a ton of reading to do in the morning. Yes I'm a mean cuss.