JWs - Prudes or not Prudes?

by Spectrum 23 Replies latest social relationships

  • Spectrum

    " And there are some very pretty JWs in my congregation who have not found anyone, probably because they are college-educated/very intelligent. "
    But these are attractive features, how would that impede them from find a mate. Pretty and clever that is a good combination in my books.

  • Abaddon


    First off, I use the word worldy as is perceived by JWs, and not that I perceive non-JWs as untouchables. I could use the word normal instead but then I'd be implying that JWs are abnormal! I imagine it would suit some people here!

    And what on Earth makes you think being in a cult is 'normal'?

    Or do you disagree with the assessment that JW's are a cult?

    If so, why? (I use Lipton's definitons to define a cult, if that helps).

    I know you don't 'have' to answer these questions, but I am under the impression you have a good mind and need to do yourself justice by confronting such questions. Between '93 when I walked away (note; not 'fell' away, it wasn't an accident or mistake) and somewhere in '95 or '96 I would typically respond to questions about me having been a Witness with something like;

    "They're just like any other religion, but their way of life is not for me."

    Please imagine me now making a sound like a cat chucking a hairball at the thought of saying anything so patently absurd. I discovered the online community of xJW's and discovered their true nature in an eighteen+ hour long surfing session (followed up be Combatting Cult Mind Control the next day at the library and every book on comparative religions et. al. I could lay my hands on in following weeks). I had no thought about them being 'the truth' any longer as by that point had learnt enough of biology to understand the beautiful simplicity of evolution, and that 'god' was uneccesary to the process (although one can argue he 'started it', he didn't need to 'wind it up'), and had realised the Flood was just a silly story and the Bible just another book. But I still had this fluffy little childhood conceit I had a 'normal' background, LOL.

    I was so suprised I went straight from the computer rooms at Uni' and called the girl (who is now my fiance) at 3am in the morning to announce "They're a fucking CULT!" (Doh!)

    They are not like 'any other' religion, they are like a 'high control group', which is the phrase you use to describe cults to people who will insist they aren't/weren't in a cult if you use the word cult ('cause the cult leaders have told them they are not in a cult ).

    One does this so that they don't 'switch off' and willl actually listen to you describing what a high control group is like in the vauge yet fluffy hope they will have a 'Damascus moment' and realise they are/were in a high control group.

    "Have you actually dated and lived with 'wordly' women?"

    Oh yes, but I always went for the less forward ones which meant no nooky.

    We live, and hopefully learn...

    Couldn't bring myself to do it anyway until I excorcised enough JW-demons which took a decade after leaving. The girl I did end up with was keen with no hang-ups from her side.

    See? And those demons lurk in the darkest places. I still find a new one occasionally - thus me quizzing you on using loaded language (see Lipton as mentioned above). Someone on 'Support 4xJW's', (the first xJW website I found) called me exactly the same way for saying 'fallen away' a decade or so ago; I hope I can pay the favour forward.

    I was trying to see how far I could take it with the muslim girl I mentioned earlier. She totally reminded me of me and I wanted to snap her out of it. She was totally jealous of girls that she thought would be willing to do it with me and warded them off but she still wouldn't give it up. Damn!!

    Havey havey no wanty, wanty wanty no havey. I had a very nice Catholic girl frottage herself silly several times on my thigh in bed one night a long, long time ago; fully clothed she was and did she return any favours? Nope. Like I say, we live and hopefully learn. Wanty wanty, givey givey...

    I think if a JW guy wants decent action then he has got to go for choice b/ (bad little JW).


    I know my JW sister is a real prude who married a JW with a strong sex drive, for which as a 20 something guy almost got disfellowshipped for. He wanted choice a/ good little JW and both have paid the price for this incompatibility now stretching 20 years - nightmare.

    Been there, got the divorce.

    "PS; answer to evolution thread?"

    Certainly, but I've lost track. Which is it?



    Blind evolution is about pot luck randomness. How many times the word random comes up with evolutionists to create something better when it should be the word instruction?

    I think we better define evolution and see what would prove evolution to you and continue from there; those last two sentences show a possible lack of appreciation over what evolution even is. RANDOM? Who told you the progress of evolution is directed by RANDOM processes? Some change might be random, but that is provable in real time. The SELECTION of what features survive is so non random as to defy belief.

    ... and;

    I think this might be an interesting conversation and look forward to you defining what you think evolution is (not a trick question I promise you) and what would prove it to you ( a question of obvious usefulness).

    All the best


  • slugga
    As I browsed the profiles, I was surprised that the women would talk about their "DD"'s or include photos of themself in profile to display their wares. There were a few who mentioned how much they enjoyed the "marital due" or how important passion or "sensuality" was to them, among other euphemisms for sex.

    Interestingly enough, there were a few 'brothers' who also mentioned the importance of sex (no beating around the bush there) but none of them mentioned their endowments. A few did allude to their material success though.

    I had to laugh when I saw "JW" sitting there infront of his webcame in his undies, i thought "yeah right what else has he been flashing on that webcam"



  • slugga

    There are some lookers on that site ( littlecrown deserves someone nice in her life ) but I don't think I'd put my name on a site like that if i were single and in the truth. The whole internet / truth things kinda frowned upon and if it got around the congregation that you'd both been dabbling on the net I'm sure the congregation gossip would have a field day.


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