What is a right?

by Narkissos 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos


    I would say this is the American form (Republican, Federal) of the modern foundational myth of social contract (Rousseau) and its basic expression, representative democracy (a practical oxymoron?).

    The question being, have you any "right" not to buy into the contract? Where can you go, how can you live if you don't?


    That was about my point on Deism (Rousseau again) vs. Theism.

  • JeffT


    You may be right on one point - "representative democracy" may be an oxymoron. It doesn't seem to be working well for anybody just now, because all of the representatives have become too concerned with their own power.

    You also raise a valid question about opting out. The CSA tried and failed (600,000 dead later) to opt out of a government that didn't work for them. Much of Jeff Davis' inaugural speech was stolen from the Declaration of Independence. You have two choices: live like a hermit somewhere or work to make the government more like what you want it to be like. The first is sort of unsatisfactory, and the second is a lot of work.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    people always say this is a representative democracy.... I have never noticed such a thing in the US

    I see a popularly elected dictatorship with two sides of the same corporate power elite being the only options given to the masses

    to decide between... neither side ever seems to represent THEM [the voters].

  • Golf

    We all have rights, such as the right to be 'respected.' I don't meddle into people's personal lives, its's not my right.

    In all my years of knowing this org. the following scripture wasn't emphasized enough: "...make it your aim to live quietly and mind your own business..." 1 Thess.4:11

    Having common sense will dictate what is right. Do I have the right to steal?


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