Does anyone want to hear what I have to say about women?Or am I so way off I should shut up?
Better yet, dont tell me and I'll just voluntarily shut up.
I for one, Anewme, would love to hear your take on the situation. Though I don't necessairilly agree with your statement about men thinking of sex 24/7, I think a more rational idea, at least for me would be about 90% percent of the time, which would place 24/7 thinking as it pertains to a week about 6.5 days a week
There are definitive needs that you single out that men require, and you are right in many respects. Respect is paramount. We do need to know that our opinions and decisions are respected. Even if you never agree with them or have a problem with them, we as men really need to know that our partner respects us.
We are fixers, we do try to open up our psychological, mental and emotional toolboxes when you bring to us problems that may be causing you concern.
You sound as if you're familliar with the teachings of the book, " Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus " We speak as if an entirely different language, men as opposed to women, and when we learn the intricate language, the needs that we both have a the vast differences between us, we can come to be better at living with and living for our lovers, spouses and friends.