I failed to find the thread right now, but there was a thread as to the 2005 Annual Report, and it was stated that the number of pioneers had dwindled from 858,461 to 623,308 - 27 %. And comments were made on how little the Society cared etc. But, had yoy bothered to look closely at the figures (Perhaps you've been well trained in sloppy statistics and misrepresenting by a certain group from before ......), you would have noticed thatthe column for pioneers this year has been divided in two - one for auxilliary pioneers and one for regular pioneers. Adding the two columns (623,308 for regulars, 219,926 for auxilliary), gives you 843,234 pioneers - which is the figure to compare with last years's column. Result - down 15,227, which is 1.8 %. OK, a "down", but 2 in stead of 17 per cent, which is quite a difference.