if God proved he was there would you serve him

by force 64 Replies latest social current

  • flyphisher


    Gods can exist or not. I would tell God, "I do not need you, please go away and leave me alone."

    Let me precise what I meant.

    We assume: Never had been existing any Christendom, any Islam, any Buddhism, any Mormonism and any JW-ism before. There only existed science, pure platonic mathematics and physics all the time. Nothing else, okay? (what we do, is a so-called "thought experiment" like Schroedinger`s cat. Do you know?)

    And now, surprisingly, the scientists discovered the existence of GOD; undoubtedly. They found the proof. Verifiably and Falsifiably .

    Okay. What would you do? Let us assume, there are 6 billion people never heard from the existence of such a "God" before. And of course, there are very interested: All magazines and newspapers are full with stuff about the scientific sensational discovery. And now the question to you, personally, for this singular event: Would you search for any revelations or informations coming from that God, or not?

    I direct this question to all members here on this board, besides.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Would you search for any revelations ;or informations ;coming from that God, or not?

    based on the thought experiement you provide, yes i would.

    basically, at that point, this "god" could be a scientist in another dimension or universe, that started this universe. so, yes, i would ask questions!

    if he said:

    "i require you to worship me"

    .... i would not even ask why. i would just decline his/her/it's invitation. any being that requires worship from other beings, has to be too immature for my time and energy.

    if this "god" then went on to threaten me with punishment for my choice, then i would know for sure that i had obviously not made the wrong descision.


  • flyphisher


    Would you search for any revelations or informations coming from that God, or not?

    based on the thought experiement you provide, yes i would.

    basically, at that point, this "god" could be a scientist in another dimension or universe, that started this universe. ; so, yes, i would ask questions!


    What we can state, is the following:

    Our "IMAGE" of God depends exclusively on our experiences we made in connection with so-called "worshippers" - like in Christendom, Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism, JW-ism and so on.

    If the experiences made are negative, then automatically our vision of God is a negative one.

    If such "worshippers" would NOT EXIST, then we would have got a totally neutral and unprejudiced image of God. If we would find scriptures like the bible, nothing would change. We would be curious to find out what he eventually had to say to us. Messages about the best way to communicate with other people, advices how to bring our future under control, and others.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    hi, and yes i agree. with the exception that my image of god is not only colored by what my experiences with other worhipers or religions have been. i have also tried "god" out in the existential sense of the word, where god is something only i can find. and while this concept has been more fruitful that previous ones for me, it still leaves me at a sort of atheism/pantheism, where the only god i can find is myself and everything, so it doesn't really matter.

    and i admit, that if i did come across another god, as per your thought experiement, it *would* change my view of the universe, because just the thought that one exists would give the universe some meaning, even if it was just an experiement in another being's lab. which would be cool.

    i am always open to such an experience, and await a time that such a thing may happen. but again, no worship should be required. questions and answers, but worship no. not for me anyways.

    if i may ask, what is your worldview?


  • flyphisher
    if i may ask, what is your worldview?

    Complicated and totally new. Different from JW`s mainstream. Have patience. It takes time, see posting after posting. My family are JW`s. Me too, but very "weak". Having any different view is resulting in shunning and finally in dfing (kick into the a..) if one knows the identity. And I am sure they quickly know....

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