FRIDAY the 13th What your take?

by xjwms 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    Do you think something bad may happen to you?

    O R

    is just another day?

  • juni

    Just another day.

  • Bryan

    No... I'm afraid for you!

  • Finally-Free
  • skyman

    One day after Thrusday the 12th

  • xjwms


    Don't have to be afraid for me

    I'm afraid for me.

  • mrsjones5

    Just another day

  • funkyderek


    Do you think something bad may happen to you?

    O R

    is just another day?

    I understand how children can be superstitious, and how people in less enlightened times or places could be, but I really don't know how any adult in the developed world in the 21st century could believe that a particular date on the calendar is unlucky. Do they think the date corresponds to some hidden natural cycle? It seems unlikely given that our calendar evolved over centuries and was never designed to synchronise with any hidden patterns of bad luck. Do they think then that some malevolent supernatural entities also follow our calendar and deliberately choose those dates to do their mischief? Fortunately those of us who try to think rationally are free of such worries. Those who are concerned due to some leftover indoctrination can easily assuage their fears by checking whether Friday 13th is statistically worse than other dates for disasters, deaths, divorces, or whatever they are worried might happen.

  • xjwms


    good comment

    I agree

  • Dansk
    Just another day.

    Gets my vote! It seems strange, seeing some posts are already the 13th whereas we here in the UK are still stuck on the 12th Just goes to show what a load of old codswallop superstition is. FunkyDerek is right, of course, and one would do well to look at the statistics for the date and compare with others. I now deliberately walk under ladders, among other things, to highlight the stupidity of superstition. It can be quite funny watching people coming the other way walking around the ladders Ian

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