"Witlesses", "JDumbs", other labels.. How do you feel about them?

by AlmostAtheist 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    I've commented before that the Watchtower goes out of its way to label groups of people it doesn't want you to like -- "worldly people", "apostates", "Christendom". There are scores of these labels.

    People in general use them too: "Spick", "N*gger", "Trailer Trash"

    Once we allow ourselves to refer to people by a label, we automatically change them from an individual to a member of a group. We can much more easily hate a group, than an individual.

    How much are you affected personally by your use of labels in reference to JW's?

    I caught myself thinking about JW's the other day and I used a derogatory label to do it. I realized that I was doing to them what I condemn them for doing to us. Oops. :smile:

    Gonna try to be more careful.


  • mrsjones5

    I like the label "bOrg" myself - using it to refer to the society, it fits. I don't think it personally affects me. I don't use the labels in my real life. If I see jws around town I don't say "Hey there's some jdubs!" I don't think of my parents as my "jdub parents", they are simply Mom and Dad. When I use those labels I mostly use them here.


  • katiekitten

    Chinkies, Ities, Spiks, Poms, white trash, trailer park trash, council house trash, Gyppoes, lessers, darkies, bleeding heart liberals, babba stabbas, pinkos, rednecks,

    It just saves time doesnt it!!

    (KK runs for cover)

  • mrsjones5

    you forgot "cracker"

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I used to use more labels in ref to them but I've tapered off......tho not completely. I just can't seem to wrap my brain around the idea that "Gov. Haughty" might be politically incorrect.


  • Finally-Free

    Jehovah's Shitnesses.

  • Honesty
    you forgot "cracker"

    Mrsjones, I resemble that remark.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hmmm... I'm not sure labels like "bOrg" and "Governing Haughty" are the same type of thing. Those strike me as references to the group as a whole. The "bOrg" is a slam on the organization, one that is personally responsible for life-sucking misery. The GB has earned any nasty labels it might have as well.

    I'm talking about labels given to individuals, such as, "There's one of those Jehoobie Witlesses again!"

    I'm sensing a fine line here. I could see referring to the whole group, collectively, as an organization, as "Jehoobie Witlesses" and not having a problem with it. As an organization they suck big time and deserve much worse than they get.

    But if I take that same label and use it to refer to a single individual, I think I'm moving into more mentally dangerous territory.

    Am I splitting hairs over nothing here?


  • katiekitten

    Well it always used to make me laugh when I was a witless and a non witless used to say to me "I saw one of YOUR LOT the other day". Like we were a big gang of sameness.

    So now I use 'your lot' all the time to everyone I can. To my partner 'Oh look its your lot' (Conservative party on telly). To an english teacher 'isnt that one of your lot' (on seeing another english teacher). To my daughter 'Theres one of your lot' (any little person, any person who goes to her school, or just any female less than 3 foot high).

    No-one knows what im on about, but it makes me hoot like a drain!

    And no, I dont think its bad to use labels like Jehoobahs, or Witlesses. Ive served my time and been called those names for 30 years, and I never took offence, because they didnt seem very personal or offensive.

    To me its not just the word, it can be the way it is said too, that makes it hurtful. So for instance my black friend will call his black friend a golly wog because, blow me, he really does look like a golly wog, and we will all laugh, because we love him to bits and hes not offended. But if someone said to my same friend something less offensive but in a really malicious way that felt threatening, like 'you idiot', that might be 10 times as hurtful. Its the meaning conveyed as well as the words, in my opinion.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I'm talking about labels given to individuals, such as, "There's one of those Jehoobie Witlesses again!"

    AA, ya mean like "Sister Sneaky/Deceptive" that I met in the ER last week? She earned it.



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