I don't really think we should let "political correctness" get in the way of freedom of speech. It is true that we should not use the N word or other racial and/or gay slur, since those people have no control of the thing we would be picking on them for. Nor is it fair to use derogatory words for people of national origin (again, the issue is morally neutral).
However, when it comes to witlesses, the term means someone without wits or that does not use wits. The Watchtower Society effectively trains these people to put their wits aside, so the Society and the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger can do all their thinking for them. Such ones make themselves witlesses. And, all Jehovah's Witnesses are urged to thus become Jehovah's Witlesses. True, not all of them become truly witless. The ones that have (and use) some wits soon become ex-Jehovah's Witlesses and become apostates.
The individuals within that religion as a group are not value creators, either. If anyone follows the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger class to the letter, they are going to either usurp or destroy value. They are urged to waste people's time by interrupting their activities. They preach against perfectly harmless music (including music that is only slightly suggestive). They urge people to give up careers and college, so they can have more time to pioneer. They also urge members to give as much of their hard-earned money to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. This is a tremendous waste of resources that could have been put to better use, including the time and gas that is wasted while out in field circus.
An individual witless has the choice of becoming an ex-witless. However, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger makes that extremely difficult and costly to do. It is much the same as a smoker becoming an ex-smoker. Many smokers want to quit, but either they are too lazy or too stagnated to do it. The Watchtower Society also makes many of its members want to quit by being unreasonable, but too many do not see the way out. Many are too lazy to do their own thinking (and will be witlesses for life, literally). Others are too stagnated (and that's what the Society wants) or have family in. While these may continue going through the motions of being a witless, they are gaining their wits back. It's among those that we find active witlesses joining this board and gaining back their wits.
No, I am not against the labels. None of those terms are derogatory terms for a condition that the person has no control of and are of no objective significance (such as race or national origin). Nor do I always refer to all old people as "old fogeys" (such would be offensive to older people with acceptance to the younger generation). Only those old people (and sometimes even younger ones) with little or no tolerance of younger viewpoints and the freedom therein, deserve to be labelled as such. Likewise, it's the religion and those faithfully following it that I refer to as witlesses.