Ive been on two cruises in the early 90's with large amounts of witnesses. One cruise we had around 85 and the other 175. One night on the larger JW cruise there were 50 or so of us watching this comedian. He started getting a little crude using words like penis so we all got up at the same time and walked out during his act. I bet he was sweating bullets after that. No doubt he thought he was bombing out big time. Once we all walked out into the hall outside of the comedy club we all started clapping! We were so proud of ourselves! I feel bad for the guy still:(
anyone here ever go on a cruise with a large group of JW's?
by PaNiCAtTaCk 37 Replies latest jw friends
:Once we all walked out into the hall outside of the comedy club we all started clapping! We were so proud of ourselves!
That is so f*cking pathetic.. I feel embarassed FOR you!
I also forgot that 11 were reproved for gambling and one was an Elder and he was disfellowshipped. He won a trip to Disneyland:) The ship had a huge casino.
No, but I have been at a movie theater with a group and they showed some nudity and some were talking of leaving. The straw that broke the camals back was when the movie briefly got a little "mystic" and they all got up and left like Satan was right there with them. I was like where are you going? I would have stayed but the pressure and looks were too much (damn what a waste of money).
yeah it was pathetic! We were so niave and stupid. Im going on a cruise in march with my wife and we will be watching the R rated comedians and playing a few slots also. OOOOOOOooooohhh
I was like where are you going? I would have stayed but the pressure and looks were too much (damn what a waste of money).
I know what you mean. The bad thing is when one person leaves everyone else is like "Crap I got to leave now or I will look bad". Thats why large groups of witnesses at the movie is a bad idea. I remember leaving ghostbusters because it was demonized. Why did we even go in the first place! The name should have gave it away
You probably didn't hear the audience that remained seated CLAPPING because your group walked out!!!
You probably didn't hear the audience that remained seated CLAPPING because your group walked out!!!
I wonder what they thought because they didnt know we were witnesses.
I'll never forget the time that a brothers neices came down from Wisconsin. They were ok looking but one former Bethalite (who was not the best looking - plus he always had his panties in a knot) wanted to take one of them out. So he gets together a group and says we should all go to the drive inn. Everyone was like well ok. (group I hung around were not saints and thought this get together might be ok, since girls were going). We show up at the drive inn and it was a double "bengie" feature - Bengie:come home and Bengie: the hunted. Movies were lamer than shit and absolutly no talking, just a dog running around. These girls were like WTF did you bring us to. So the rest of us after a while were like we are out of here. He was begging us to stay since he needed a chapparon (sp?). He was the biggest snitch in the cong so we told him we were all going home. We ended up cruising around and going to parties that night Those sisters from wisconsin said they wanted to "go home" as well (after overhearing some of us planning our escape) but after we left they said thanks - they couldn't take that shit anymore. Hahaha