When you were a jw, what questions would you have liked to ask a da/fader..

by Check_Your_Premises 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Assume you were in one of those doubting moments, what would you really liked to have known? What were the question you wanted to know but were afraid to ask? What questions, when answered well by a da/fader would have the biggest impact on opening the closed jw mind?


  • blondie

    personal questions or abstract informational questions?

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Here are a few off the top of my head.

    1. Why did you leave the JW?
    2. Were you DF/DA/Inactive?
    3. Do you think you could ever go back, and why/why not?
    4. If you are convinced they are not God's organization, breifly
    describe the moment when you came to that realization.
    5. How is your life better/worse/different?
    6. What do you like the most about no longer being a jw?
    7. What do you like the least?
    8. Have you suffered any loss of family relationships since leaving?

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Personal in the sense of how you view your conscience, faith and the wt.

    Not personal in the sense of being anyway useful for identifying a person.

  • ButtLight

    Does your wife still go?

    Usually the talk is all about why people left. Things that they saw, and personally experienced that made them leave. I really liked talking to elders, or ex elders cause they were right up on in there, and they know alot more then we do. So to hear from them the stuff that goes on behind closed doors, really hit me! I have someone here that was an elder for years and years, and it really makes for good conversation.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Or judging from the responses to this thread...

    the average ex-jw would rather just hang out and talk with real people, rather then fill out a questionairre as if they are apart of some science experiment?

  • Check_Your_Premises

    sent to me by another person...

    1 How has it affected your faith in God?
    2 Explain any differences in the way you arrive at religious
    understanding. (if the person still believes in God).
    3 What were the biggest obstacles in leaving the JWs?
    4 Describe any internal conflict over your decision to leave. How
    did you deal with it? Why did the scales tip in favor of your exit?
    5 What life lessons, or general principles did you learn through
    all this?

    6 What do you do with all your extra, stress-free time?

  • AlmostAtheist

    1. Do you hate your former ex-JW friends now? If not, how DO you feel about them?

    2. Can you remember any good experiences you had as a JW that you wouldn't have had if you weren't?

    3. After you left the Watchtower, where did you go?

    4. If you are without a faith at this point, from what do you draw your morals? How important are they to you?

    5. If you could say one sentence to a JW and they promised to listen without prejudice, what would you say?

    My answers:
    1. [hate them?] No, not at all. I feel they are unwittingly trapped in the Watchtower, I feel sorry for them and would love to help them.

    2. [good things?] I gave a talk at a Circuit Assembly once, and was interviewed at a District. I doubt I'd have that opportunity outside the org. I met my wife at a QuickBuild!

    3. [where did you go?] Nowhere. Leaving something false doesn't mean you have somewhere "more true" to go. Leaving something doesn't require entering something else.

    4. [moral source? how important?] I'm not pagan, but I like the simplicity of "do no harm." Says it all. If I'm not hurting anyone, I'm happy. If I am, I change. It's very important to me to live up to this, since my own happiness hinges on it. My "self" is damaged if I hurt others.

    5. [one sentence] Toss up between "Does Jehovah approve of the deaths of his people over the ever-changing blood policy?" and "Who was the Faithful and Discreet Slave just before C. T. Russell?"


  • Check_Your_Premises




  • Check_Your_Premises

    bttt for changed title question.


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